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Minnesota's Medicaid (Title XIX) and CHIP (Title XXI) state plans

The Medicaid state plan is based on the requirements set forth in Title XIX of the Social Security Act and is a comprehensive written document created by the state of Minnesota that describes the nature and scope of its Medicaid program (known in Minnesota as Medical Assistance). It serves as a contractual agreement between the state and the federal government and must be administered in conformity with specific requirements of Title XIX of the Social Security Act and regulations outlined in Chapter IV of the Code of Federal Regulations. The state plan contains all information necessary for the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to determine if the state can receive federal financial participation (FFP).

The Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) state plan serves as the state’s contractual agreement with the federal government, describing the nature and scope of Minnesota’s CHIP program. The plan contains all information necessary for CMS to determine if the state can receive FFP. The requirements for the state’s CHIP program are set forth in Title XXI of the Social Security Act and in Chapter IV of the Code of Federal Regulations.

State plan amendments older than five years are available on the federal website or by emailing DHS at

Draft amendments open for public comment

The following state plan amendments are currently open for public comment. Any comments related to these amendments may be sent to:




Approved amendments

The following amendments to the Minnesota state plan were approved by CMS.

Withdrawn amendments

The following amendments to the Minnesota state plan have been withdrawn and are no longer under review by CMS.

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