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Minnesota Ryan White Program and Centralized Eligibility

The Minnesota Ryan White Program helps people living with HIV get access to HIV-related health care and supportive services. 

Minnesota Centralized Eligibility (MNCE) is a simplified enrollment and renewal process for Minnesota Ryan White-funded programs. People living with HIV can apply once for all Minnesota Ryan White-funded services and renew eligibility once per year. People may work either independently or with an HIV provider to apply for and renew their eligibility for services. 

New: Additionally, some Minnesota Ryan White services are now administered in St. Croix and Pierce counties in Wisconsin.

Two men stand close together, almost hugging, and lean over to work on a computer together. On the monitor is a website with the word SERVICES at the top

HIV/AIDS services

Minnesota’s Ryan White system of care includes a variety of services, which may be accessed by anyone determined eligible through MNCE. Visit this page for a list of services and eligibility criteria. 

Close up of person's hand holding a pen and filling out a paper application

Apply for services

Detailed information and links for new and returning applicants for Ryan White or Program HH services. This page also has information about emergency assistance to fill or refill your HIV prescriptions.

A young man wearing a leather backpack sits working at a computer. On the monitor is the word UPDATE

Renew eligibility or update info

Instructions for renewing eligibility or updating your information, if you are enrolled in any Ryan White services, including Program HH.

Two men sit closely together with arms over each other's shoulders looking at a computer screen with the word

Ryan White Program links

Program HH and ADAP services, with links to resources and the Minnesota Council for HIV/AIDS Care and Prevention's Where to Find Services webpage.

A man and trans woman sit in a doctor's office while the doctor checks the man's blood pressure

Rainbow Health closure

The AIDSLine, Every Penny Counts and Benefits Counseling, which were once housed at Rainbow Health, are now available through Aliveness Project. The transition to Aliveness Project maintains the support network that is vital for the well-being of our community.

Woman sits with a laptop on her knees typing. There is a website on the screen with the words

More information

If you would like more information or assistance with your forms:

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