The department strives to strengthen services to American Indian children and families provided by local social services agencies and private child placement agencies, ensuring compliance with the requirements of the Indian Child Welfare Act, Minnesota Indian Family Preservation Act and Tribal State Agreement. Minnesota Statutes (§ 256M.20, subd. 3) defines the responsibility of the department to establish and maintain a system to monitor county agencies to reduce non-compliance with federal and state laws and regulations. To report non-compliance with the act, use Indian Child Welfare Act and Minnesota Indian Family Preservation Act Non-compliance Form DHS-3821 (PDF).
The manual provides a comprehensive summary of federal and state requirements and policies that apply to county social services agencies and private child-placing agencies providing services to American Indian children and families in Minnesota.
Go to the Bulletins page to find the library of official communication to county and tribal staff, as well as other DHS business partners, about program changes and required actions.