2001 - 2011
Every two years, from 2001- 2011, DHS worked in cooperation with counties to complete the gaps analysis study.
In 2001, the Minnesota Legislature approved a set of long-term care reform measures that sought to:
- Provide a wider range of home and community-based service options
- Rebalance Minnesota's long-term care system
- Support a system that meets the preferences and needs of people with disabilities, older people and their families.
The Legislature provided funding for counties to prepare the first gaps analysis of the long-term care system specific to people age 65 and older. The analysis included the current availability of, and projected need for, additional:
- Community-based long-term care supports
- Facility-based long-term care
- Senior housing and service arrangements.
The information collected through this effort was reported to the Legislature in the Status of Long-term Care in Minnesota, 2001. DHS developed this legislative report in response to the legislative mandate to update the Legislature on the effects of legislative initiatives to rebalance the state's long-term services and supports (LTSS) system every two years.
In 2012, the Legislature amended the state statute to expand the scope of the Status of LTSS report and the studies that inform it. The Legislature changed the scope to include services and supports not only for older adults, but also for people with disabilities and for children, youth and adults living with mental health conditions. The Legislature also added a requirement to gather input from all lead agencies, community stakeholders and people who need or are using long-term services and supports.
The gaps analysis study completed in 2013 for the previous two-year period was the first to report on the perceived capacity and perceived gaps to meet the needs of all populations (i.e., older adults, people with disabilities, children, youth and adults living with mental health conditions) and to gather community input.
In 2013, the Legislature amended the state statute to include a one-time study to assess local capacity and availability of home and community-based services (HCBS) for all four populations. This study was required to assess critical access at the community level and identify potential measures to track HCBS capacity in critical access areas.
In 2014, DHS executed two contracts related to the gaps analysis study, one with Wilder Research to conduct and to assist with streamlining this biennial study for calendar years 2013 and 2014 and one with Abt Associates to conduct the one-time HCBS critical access study.
Survey completed and reports published.
Conducting the survey again in 2017 was considered; however, at the request of stakeholders, a new approach to identify services gaps was decided upon.
DHS continued the collaboration with Wilder Research within a revamped edition of the gaps analysis. Instead of conducting a survey of all lead agencies, 11 regional meetings were held, with approximately 40 stakeholders attending. Participants included representatives from counties, tribal nations and managed care organizations with administrative or contract authority to provide assessment and support planning; advocates for current and potential service users; and providers of HCBS and mental health services and supports.
DHS designed the regional meetings to give participants the opportunity to discuss and prioritize top service gaps, identify solutions and develop action plans to implement the solutions. From these meetings, four issues emerged statewide that became the focus of Gaps planning including addressing shortages in crisis services, housing, transportation and workforce.
The findings of these regional meetings were published in the 2017 survey.
DHS contracted with Wilder Research to develop and implement the core processes of this ongoing effort. This effort provided support for building partnerships at the local, regional and state levels. The core processes are part of a continuous improvement cycle and included:
- Prioritizing service access issues (or gaps) at local, regional and state levels
- Taking action to address service access key issues, including developing and implementing action plans to address, reduce or eliminate gaps
- Sharing results and evaluating the effectiveness of this process at improving access to services
A series of webinars, hosted by DHS and Wilder Research in fall 2019, highlighted potential strategies to address shortages in crisis services, housing, transportation and workforce. Attendees learned from panelists implementing various approaches to address these issues. Panelists discussed what regional stakeholders need to know to do something similar. The webinars provided useful insights to inform ideas and actions at the regional level.
A Legislative Report on the Status of Long-Term Services and Supports was also published.
DHS contracted with the Management and Analysis Division (MAD) of Minnesota Management and Budget to document a shared vision and strategic planning that incorporated the core processes identified in 2018. In developing the shared vision, interviews were conducted with leadership from the four DHS participating divisions: Aging & Adult Services, Housing, Behavioral Health and Disability Services. Equitable approaches were also investigated and integrated with the Gaps process. Additionally, a survey was sent to state agency partners and providers.
This work identified a new mission: to connect partners with resources to improve access to equitable, and culturally and linguistically appropriate services for Minnesotans. View the Current page to see the objectives to achieve this mission.
DHS continued working with MAD to identify the goals and objectives of the new shared vision, as well as actions to achieve these.
A Legislative Report on the Status of Long-Term Services and Supports was published in August 2021.
DHS continues to work with MAD to implement the objectives identified in the new shared vision.
In 2022, the Legislature amended the state statute. A legislative report is no longer required. Instead, the compiled data regarding the status of LTSS is required to be available on the department’s websites. To view this data, visit the Information on Status of LTSS in MN page.