The Minnesota Legislature decided who is on the task force. It has people with different perspectives including people with disabilities, service providers, employers, advocacy groups and government agencies. A full list of task force members is on the task force webpage.
The task force is neutral — not for or against — ending subminimum wage. Their job is to help make a plan if subminimum wage ends. Individual task force members may have their own opinions and participate in advocacy efforts outside of the task force.
The task force is responsible for listening to all groups who need to be part of the plan. They are working with another company to talk to people affected by subminimum wage changes. They want to make the best plan possible.
Many people in the United States want to end subminimum wages for people with disabilities.
The systems to support people with disabilities are getting better. It is important to regularly evaluate things to make sure they are fair and include people with disabilities.
Most people agree it is important to have a good plan in place if subminimum wages end.
The Minnesota Legislature passed a law in 2021 to create the Task Force on Eliminating Subminimum Wages. The Legislature asked the task force to make sure Minnesota is prepared if subminimum wages end. The Legislature told DHS to have the first meeting of the task force by early 2022.
The task force will make a plan in case subminimum wages end in Minnesota. A plan will help us to know what to do if the state or federal government eliminate subminimum wages. We can prepare for the change so there are new opportunities for people with disabilities. We do not want employment options taken away.
The task force wants to support an inclusive future for people with disabilities. They respect a person’s informed choice about employment options and supports. They want to respect the role families play in their loved one’s life, too.
The task force will not make recommendations on whether Minnesota should end subminimum wages. Their job is to make a smooth transition if subminimum wages end.
All perspectives are important to make the plan the best it can be. Members want to hear from a wide range of people.
The task force will put people with disabilities and their families first.
There will be opportunities for input before they give the plan to the Legislature.
If you want to learn about engagement activities or give us your ideas now, enter your information on the Minnesota Department of Human Services Subminimum Wage Engagement form.