Minnesota EVV
DHS has selected a hybrid EVV model. Providers may choose the state-selected EVV system or a third party EVV system that meets state requirements.
State-selected EVV system, HHAeXchange:
- Providers may use the state-selected EVV system at no cost to them.
- Providers may need to expend time and resources to comply with the EVV requirements.
Third-party EVV system:
- Providers may choose a third-party system or continue to use an EVV system they already are using for their organization.
- Providers will be responsible for costs associated with their chosen system.
- Providers must ensure their third-party system connects to the HHAX data system and meets state requirements.
- To review a list of third-party EVV systems that have successfully connected to HHAeXchange, visit the Minnesota third-party electronic visit verification systems webpage.
DHS is starting EVV in phases by service type. DHS expects providers to start using EVV for affected services during their implementation phase. Visit the Required services tab to see an overview of required services.
- Phase 1: Financial management services (FMS) for personal care services. Launched June 20, 2022.
- Phase 2: Remaining personal care services. Launched Dec. 12, 2022.
- Phase 3: Managed care organizations (MCOs) for personal care services. Launched June 5, 2023.
- Phase 4: Home health services. Launched Oct. 16, 2023. (All home health service providers launched, regardless of payer.)
Required data to verify EVV
The EVV system must electronically verify that home or community-based service visits occur by electronically collecting six points of data:
- Type of service performed
- Who received the service
- Date of service
- Location of service delivery
- Who provided the service
- When the service begins and ends.
EVV is required for all required services, regardless of where services start and end.
EVV verification methods
DHS is taking a mobile-first approach for verifying EVV visits within the HHAX system.
- Caregivers download and use the HHAX mobile application on their smart device.
- English interactive voice response lines for all HHAX providers on the state-selected EVV system (free EVV portal) will be available beginning Aug. 1, 2023. This process will be rolled out to current providers with an expected completion date by Oct. 1, 2023.
Providers who use a third-party EVV system must work with their vendor on device options for EVV.
- DHS does not oversee devices for third-party system users.
- Providers may use what works best for their organizations as long as it captures the required EVV data.
Caregivers may use their own personal smart phone or tablet, or a smart phone or tablet issued by the program provider. Minnesota DHS does not provide smart devices for EVV use.
DHS will start reviewing all providers' EVV usage on Sept. 1, 2024. Provider agencies are required to use their EVV systems and send EVV visit data to the state data collection system, called the "data aggregator," for services that require EVV.
Effective Sept. 1, 2024, DHS will end the soft launch phase of EVV and begin enforcing compliance for all providers regardless of payer, including financial management service (FMS) agencies and managed care organizations (MCOs).
Provider agencies that do not demonstrate a good-faith effort toward EVV compliance or fail to meet requirements will receive technical assistance. This might include:
- Submission and monitoring of a compliance plan.
- Recurring compliance reporting to DHS.
- Recurring formal meetings with DHS to report on compliance progress.
- Additional penalties, such as withheld payments or termination of enrolled provider status.
For more information about EVV compliance, review the EVV compliance FAQ and the Electronic visit verification (EVV) compliance policy CBSM page.
Minnesota's EVV system will use a post-payment review process, which is the current process for billing with DHS. Providers will continue to use DHS' current billing process when using EVV.
Authorizations and member work flow
Member information and authorizations are sent by DHS from MMIS to the HHAeXchange system and then connected to the provider’s portal.
Providers must check member information to ensure it is accurate and add additional information as needed.
For questions about specific authorizations and member information, providers need to contact the payer on the authorization:
Prior authorization workflow (personal care services and specific home health services dependent on payer/state)
For services that require prior authorization, Minnesota payers are responsible for ensuring authorizations are imported into HHAeXchange:
- Payer imports authorization in HHAeXchange. It will load authorization and member data automatically.
- Authorization is transmitted to HHAX, facilitating a placement.
- Once the provider accepts a placement, the member and authorization data become visible.
No prior authorization workflow (home health services)
For services that do not require prior authorization, please follow the auto-placement instructions found on the HHAX Auto-Placement by Service Code Guide.
- No member or authorization data received directly from payer.
- Providers initiate the auto-placement process.
- Providers manually create a new member in their HHAX portal.
Required services
Review the detailed list of required services for EVV.
Onboarding with HHAeXchange
For more information about using or connecting with the state-selected EVV vendor, HHAeXchange, see the EVV provider onboarding guide.
Frequently asked questions
EVV provider frequently asked questions
EVV quarterly update sessions
Additional information
Personal Care Assistance (PCA) Supervision T1019: UA
Through the first two phases of EVV implementation, DHS has gained valuable insights and received continued feedback that has helped us refine our approach to EVV. Based on these insights and feedback, DHS has made the decision no longer to require providers of PCA Supervision (T1019:UA) to use EVV. Removing PCA Supervision will streamline the EVV launch for provider agencies and reduce confusion about required services.
Hospice services
DHS will not require hospice services and providers to use EVV. This update streamlines EVV implementation for provider agencies and reduces confusion about required services.
Through the first three phases of EVV implementation, DHS has gained valuable insights and received continued user feedback to help us refine our approach to EVV. DHS decided to update EVV requirements for hospice based on these insights and feedback.
EVV service codes-Personal care
DHS has phased out the prior waiver codes for personal care services. The updated table below lists current codes including the new Waiver Reimagine codes that previously had been listed separately.
Detailed list of required services for EVV
Service name |
HCPC (shared care) |
CDCS Personal Assistance, Decremental |
T2028-U1 |
-- |
Consumer Support Grant, Decremental |
T2025 |
-- |
Crisis Respite, 15 Minutes |
T1005 |
-- |
Crisis Respite, Daily |
S9125 |
-- |
Crisis Respite, Specialized, 15 Minutes |
T1005-TG |
-- |
Homemaker, Assistance with Personal Cares, 15 Minutes |
S5130-TG |
-- |
Individual Community Living Support, In Person, 15 Minutes |
H2015-U3 |
-- |
Individualized Home Supports with family training, 15 Minutes |
S5125 UC (1:1) |
S5125 UC UN (1:2) |
Individualized Home Supports with training, 15 Minutes |
H2014 UC U3 (1:1) |
H2014 UC UN U3 (1:2) |
Individualized Home Supports with training, Daily |
H0043 U3 UC |
-- |
Individualized Home Supports without training, 15 Minutes |
S5135 UC (1:1) |
S5135 UC UN (1:2) |
Night Supervision, 15 Minutes |
S5135-UA |
-- |
Personal Care Services/Community First Services and Supports |
T1019 with any modifier |
-- |
Respite Care Services, In Home, 15 Minutes |
S5150 |
-- |
Respite Care Services, In Home, Daily |
S5151 |
-- |
Note: S5130 without modifiers or modifiers other than TG are not required.
EVV service codes-Home health
Service name |
Direct Skilled Nursing, LPN, Home or Hospice, 15 Minutes |
G0300 |
Direct Skilled Nursing, RN, Home or Hospice, 15 Minutes |
G0299 |
Home Health Aide, Extended, 15 Minutes |
T1004 |
Home Health Aide, Per Visit |
T1021 |
Occupational Therapy Assistant, Per Visit |
S9129-TF |
Occupational Therapy Assistant, Extended, Per Visit |
S9129-TF UC |
Occupational Therapy, Extended, Per Visit |
S9129-UC |
Occupational Therapy, Per Visit |
S9129 |
Physical Therapy Assistant, Per Visit |
S9131-TF |
Physical Therapy Assistant, Extended, Per Visit |
S9131-TF UC |
Physical Therapy, Extended, Per Visit |
S9131-UC |
Physical Therapy, Per Visit |
S9131 |
Respiratory Therapy, Extended, Per Visit |
S5181-UC |
Respiratory Therapy, Per Visit |
S5181 |
Skilled Nurse Visit, LPN, Per Visit |
T1031 |
Skilled Nurse Visit, RN, Per Visit |
T1030 |
Speech Therapy, Per Visit |
S9128 |
Speech Therapy, Extended, Per Visit |
S9128 UC |
Additional services might be subject to EVV. If we add additional services that are subject to EVV, DHS will communicate these changes via eList and website updates.
To read DHS policies for EVV, visit the Electronic visit verification (EVV) CBSM page. DHS is developing policies using information from the first two phases of implementation. DHS will notify providers when we post policies.
Providers may create additional policies for EVV to meet their business needs by using the DHS requirements and policies for EVV.
DHS recommends caregivers use the mobile application to verify EVV visits within the state EVV system, HHAeXchange (HHAX), whenever possible. DHS and HHAX offer a secondary verification method for EVV using a telephone system known as interactive voice response (IVR).
Provider agencies that use third-party EVV systems must work with their EVV vendor to determine device options that verify EVV services delivered and capture the required data.
DHS does not provide or reimburse costs for EVV devices. Provider agencies are responsible to ensure caregivers and people who receive services have access to devices to verify EVV.
For more information, review the policy on the Electronic visit verification (EVV) device usage policy CBSM page.
Live-in caregivers
Live-in caregivers are exempt from some EVV requirements, according to federal guidance. Live-in caregivers must enter the following required information into the EVV system at least once per day:
- Type of service performed.
- Person who received the service.
- Date of the service.
- Location of the service delivery.
- Person who provided the service.
- When the service begins and ends.
DHS does not require live-in caregivers to interact in real time with the EVV system. However, provider agencies may choose to require live-in caregivers to interact in real time.
For more information, review the policy on the Electronic visit verification (EVV) live-in caregiver policy CBSM page.
Safe at Home
Effective Jan. 1, 2025, DHS requires providers to follow the instructions below for all people enrolled in the Safe at Home program who use EVV:
- Record the person’s Safe at Home P.O. Box address as their legal address in all EVV systems.
- Use the person’s Safe at Home P.O. Box address as the location for all services delivered, regardless of location.
- Register all phone numbers used for telephony in the EVV system to the person’s Safe at Home P.O. Box address.
For complete instructions, refer to CBSM – Electronic visit verification (EVV) Safe at Home process.
For more information about the Safe at Home program, refer to:
Verification methods
Provider agencies and caregivers may complete EVV using different methods, including, but not limited to:
- Mobile application
- Telephone systems
- Fixed object device (FOB).
Electronically verified visits must capture the required EVV data points listed on the Electronic visit verification (EVV) CBSM page, regardless of the method used.
People who receive services, caregivers and provider agencies may choose the verification method that works best for their individual needs.
The state-selected EVV system, HHAeXchange (HHAX), offers two verification methods: the mobile application and IVR.
Provider agencies using a third-party system may explore other methods to verify EVV that capture the required data.
For more information, review the policy on the Electronic visit verification (EVV) verification methods policy CBSM page.
EVV contact guide
Topic |
Team providing assistance |
Contact information |
For EVV questions about, but not limited to, the following topics:
- EVV requirements
- Services required to use EVV
- EVV policies
- Compliance requirements
Minnesota DHS EVV team |
If you did not find the answers to your questions using the links above, contact the EVV team using the DSD Contact Form.
Note: If you contacted HHAX before DHS, provide the HHAX ticket number when filling out the DHS contact form.
For questions regarding the state EVV system about, but not limited to, the following topics:
- Getting started, including training
- Provider portal
- Technical assistance
- Device assistance
HHAeXchange |
Visit HHAX Minnesota Provider Information Center
Visit the HHAX Knowledge Base, where you can search specific questions and view guides.
If you did not find the answers to your questions using the links above, go to the HHAX client support portal.
For questions regarding third-party EVV systems about, but not limited to, the following topics:
- Getting started
- Connecting to the data aggregator
- Provider portal
- Reporting
- Error corrections
HHAeXchange |
Visit the HHAX Minnesota Provider Information Center EDI tab for more information about third-party system integration
If you did not find the answers to your questions using the links above, select third party integration support in the HHAX client support portal.
For questions about:
- Billing
- MN-ITs
- Minnesota Health Care Programs member information
DHS MHCP Provider Resource Center |
EVV is not changing the current billing process with DHS. Providers will continue to use the billing processes they use now.
For assistance, contact the MHCP Provider Resource Center
Managed care organizations (MCOs) |
MCOs |
If services are provided by a managed care organization, contact the MCO |
Members and caregivers who have questions or concerns about EVV |
Provider agencies |
Members and caregivers should contact their provider agency.
If you are still unable to find the answers after contacting your provider agency, contact the EVV team through the DSD Contact Form using the Other option under IDENTIFY YOUR ROLE.
If you would like to file a complaint related to the following:
- Health information privacy rights
- Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Privacy, Security, and Breach Notification Rules
- Patient Safety Act and Rule
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office for Civil Rights |
You can file a complaint at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office for Civil Rights Complaint Portal |