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Correction in progress

Ua tsaug rau sawv daws cov lus txhawj xeeb. Peb hnov nej hais thiab tseem tab tom kho cov lus txhais. Thaum sijhawm cov ntaub ntawv raug tshem mus kho no, yuav tsis muaj nyob online lawm.

DHS tab tom txhim kho cov txheej txheem tshab txhais ntaub ntawv txij li thaum cov ntawv no raug tso tawm. Cov txheej txheem no suav nrog rau kev nrhiav lub tuam txhab txhais lus tshiab thiab yuav siv cov kev ntsuam xyuas kom zoo rau cov ntaub ntawv uas raug tshab txhais. Peb ua tsaug rau cov kev pab taw qhia qhov tau ua yuam kev thiab peb yuav rau siab ua ntxiv mus kom zoo dua qhov qub.

We have heard concerns that previous translations contained significant errors. We heard the concerns and are updating these translations now. The content will be temporarily unavailable online while these updates take place.

DHS has been working to improve its translation process since this content was initially posted. Improvements include a new vendor for Hmong translations and incorporating community review of translated content. We appreciate help identifying past mistakes and aim to continue to do better.

Content in English | Translation assistance

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