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Employment First dashboards

14c subminimum wage data reports

Following the recommendations of the Task force on the Elimination of Subminimum Wages, the 2023 Minnesota Legislature created reporting requirements for paying subminimum wages to people with disabilities. According to Laws of Minn. 2023, Regular Session, ch. 61, art. 1, §22 and Minn. Stat §256B.4906, HCBS providers are now required to submit information to DHS about each person they paid subminimum wages to annually.

The reports linked below show the number of people who were paid subminimum wages between Aug. 1, 2023, and June 30, 2024, reported by provider and county. This will be used as a baseline to measure the use of subminimum wages, evaluate progress in reducing the use of subminimum wages and monitor outcomes of people who have used subminimum wages.

Reporting this data is the initial step in updating the Employment First dashboard.


The dashboards show local and statewide progress toward fulfilling Minnesota’s Employment First policy.

Data notes

For information about the data we used to create these dashboards, see the Employment First dashboards guidebook webpage


People who use screen readers should use the Excel spreadsheet versions of the dashboards:

DHS is working to improve the screen reader accessibility of all Tableau dashboards used by the department, including the Employment First data dashboards.

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