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Integrated Health Partnerships (IHP) request for proposals and contracts

The goal of the Integrated Health Partnerships (IHP) program is to improve the quality and value of the care provided to citizens served by public health care programs. The IHP structure allows provider organizations to voluntarily contract with the Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS) to care for Minnesota Health Care Programs members in both fee-for-service and managed care under a payment model that holds these organizations accountable for the total cost of care and quality of services provided to this population.

Within this structure, DHS seeks to expand the program in different geographic regions of the state and across different models of care delivery that will integrate health care with chemical and mental health services, safety net providers and social service agencies. The projects will include clear incentives for quality of care and targeted savings and will result in increased competition in the marketplace through direct contracting with providers.

Additional Information

Appendix 1: Provider Taxonomy (PDF)

Use the following links to review past webinar presentations:

Overview of RFP process and new IHP model (PDF) June 29, 2017
Quality methodology (PDF) July 11, 2017
Payment and risk (PDF) July 20, 2017

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