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Contacts for reporters

Reporters or editors seeking information on human services issues may contact:

  • Aging and Disability Services: Scott Peterson, 651-431-4936
    Care and services for people with disabilities and seniors who need help living as independently as possible
  • Behavioral Health, Housing and Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services: Scott Peterson, 651-431-4936
    Behavioral health policy areas, including adult and child mental health, drug abuse, and housing
  • Departmentwide operations: Sarah Berg, 651-387-4976
    Operations, including refugee resettlement, compliance, legal, agencywide budget issues, human resources/employee issues
  • Health Care: Jen Amundson, 651-431-5692
    The two publicly funded health care programs — Medical Assistance (Minnesota's Medicaid program) and MinnesotaCare — that serve low-income Minnesotans
  • Office of Inspector General: Sarah Berg, 651-387-4976
    Fraud prevention and recovery efforts and licensing
  • Minnesota Sex Offender Program: Christopher Sprung, 651-431-4892
    Inpatient services and treatment in Moose Lake and St. Peter facilities for people who are committed by the court as a sexual psychopathic personality or a sexually dangerous person
  • Direct Care and Treatment: Christopher Sprung, 651-431-4892
    Residential and treatment programs for people with mental illness, developmental disabilities, chemical dependency and traumatic brain injury, as well as people who pose a risk to society. It includes Anoka-Metro Regional Treatment Center, community behavioral health hospitals and the Minnesota Security Hospital in St. Peter.

For a complete listing of topics and communications contacts, see the Reporter's Guide to DHS.

The Department of Children, Youth, and Families launched July 2024. Reporters seeking information about topics such as child safety and permanency, child care, child support and economic assistance programs to help families and individuals transition to work and economic stability, should contact Spenser Bickett, 651-468-6238, at the Department of Children, Youth, and Families.

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