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Youth Guided

Whether marching to advocate for their rights, being active members of their families, or organizing to impact change, youth voice is powerful. How do agencies amplify and use that voice?

Creating a youth guided system of care leads to more effective and accessible services and supports. Youth guided organizations create safe environments that enable young people to gain self-sustainability in accordance with the cultures and beliefs with which they identify. A youth guided approach recognizes that there is a continuum of power that should be shared with young people based on their understanding and maturity in a strengths-based change process.

Youth Engagement

Youth engagement is more than just listening to what youth are saying about an agency’s programs. It’s about creating a space where youth feel safe to share their true thoughts, and know their ideas will not only be heard but put into policy and practice.

Youth engagement is “the result when young people are involved in responsible, challenging actions to create positive social change.” Youth have the power to change the children’s mental health system.

The dimensions of youth engagement can be broken down into four parts:

Continuing the Work

There’s no magic formula for youth engagement. Rather, it must be uniquely tailored to each agency and community. However, the basic building blocks of connection, acceptance, involvement and transformation serve as a framework by which to create effective program engagement. Change starts with youth.

Youth MOVE National
Youth MOVE (Motivating Others through Voices of Experience) is a youth-guided, chapter driven organization dedicated to improving services and systems that support positive growth and development by uniting the voices of individuals who have lived experience in various systems including mental health, juvenile justice, education, and child welfare.

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