This policy provides clear and equitable procedures for DHS to follow in executing its affirmative action responsibilities and increasing the diversity of its workforce.
Minnesota Department of Human Services must meet affirmative action responsibilities to comply with state statutes and must increase the diversity of its workforce in order to reflect and effectively serve its client base.
Failure to follow this policy may lead to agency sanctions, will likely delay the filling of vacant staff positions, and will be addressed in the performance evaluations of hiring supervisors.
I. Minnesota Department of Human Services is committed to reaching and maintaining its affirmative action goals through hiring policies that encourage consideration of qualified applicants from protected groups (individuals with disabilities, individuals from racial and ethnic minorities, and women in certain professions) when they are under-represented in the DHS workforce. II. No hiring decision or offer may be made unless or until the justification is approved by either the OEPD Equal Opportunity and Access Division, or, as applicable, a deputy commissioner.
I. Hiring supervisor:
II. Human Resources Division:
III. OEPD Equal Opportunity and Access Division
IV. Deputy Commissioner:
A reference to all related standards.
Applicant pool: All candidates who are eligible for an interview for the vacancy in question
Missed opportunity: when a position is filled without hiring through a competitive process or when there is a failure to justify the non-selection of a qualified underrepresented candidate. Under Minnesota statute, sanctions and penalties may be imposed on departments whose missed opportunities exceed 25 percent of all hiring opportunities.
Protected groups: Persons who are African American, Asian or Pacific Islander, American Indian or Alaskan native, persons of Latino descent, persons with a disability and women.
Qualified person: Candidate capable of performing the essential job functions of the position in question.
Targeted recruitment: Affirmative outreach and applicant identification efforts to attract applications from qualified underrepresented protected group members; includes a specific plan of action, responsible parties and time frame.
Underrepresented: when the FTE representation of one or more protected groups is less than that group’s estimated availability in the relevant geographic area and labor force.
Vacancy: An approved, unclassified or classified position that is open and will be filled.
Written justification: Correspondence by memo or e-mail specifying the reasons why the non-underrepresented group candidate was substantially more qualified than the underrepresented protected group candidates to perform the basic functions of the job. This justification must include an analysis of the underrepresented protected group candidate(s) qualifications in relation to requisite qualifications for successful job performance.
This policy and its procedures remain in effect until rescinded or updated.