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Aging 2030 is a joint venture of Minnesota’s Department of Human Services, Board on Aging and Department of Health, along with several other state agencies. This initiative provides tools and resources to help planners and policy makers better prepare Minnesota for the coming age wave of baby boomers and a permanent shift in the age of our state’s population.

The tools and resources of Aging 2030 focus on system changes that must be made now. The kinds of changes that take advantage of the historic demographic dividend presented by the largest generation ever born, and also address the challenge posed by the growth in health and long-term care needs of an aging population.

This initiative builds on earlier efforts with similar goals, including Project 2030 and Transform 2010.

Project 2030 was the first effort of its kind.  No other state had looked closely at the demographic realities and the implications of these trends for states. It sought to identify the impacts of the baby generation from a variety of perspectives. More than 20 publications were written and published and distributed to key stakeholders around the state.

Between 2006 and 2010, Transform 2010 sharpened the focus on the most critical changes that must be made before 2030. Transform 2010 produced five key themes for action which are still used as the framework for Aging 2030.

The Aging 2030 initiative continues the work begun by Project 2030 nearly twenty years ago.

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