DHS has an interactive web portal for public planning and reporting. This site provides access to local data to compare Minnesota counties on performance measures related to programs for people with disabilities and the elderly. Tools include county profiles on specific performance measures as well as various demographic and economic indicators.
In this section, you will find links to reports related to disability services. Reports are available on this page for three years. For older legislative reports, check the Legislative Reference Library or call (651) 431-2400 to request a copy.
The reports are posted in a portable document format (PDF). To download and read PDF documents, use Adobe Reader. More information on PDFs.
The terminology used to describe people with developmental disabilities has changed over time. While DHS supports the use of people first language within its documents, certain outdated terms may still be found within historical and official documents, such as statutes and reports, and other documents created by third parties.
DHS makes regular reports to the Legislature to share data and up-to-date information about the services we provide to the people of Minnesota. A list of links to the most recent legislative reports from the Disability Services Division is posted on our Publications webpage.
Submit a question on the DSD contact form if you are unable to find information about Disability Services Division programs and services.