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Adult Rehabilitative Mental Health Services (ARMHS)

Adult Rehabilitative Mental Health Services (ARMHS) are a set of services that were developed to bring restorative, recovery-oriented interventions directly to individuals who have the capacity to benefit from them, whether in their homes or elsewhere in the community.

Application update

Beginning April 17, all ARMHS provider applications must be submitted via AGILE apps, our new online portal.

First step for each provider agency is to ensure ALL application requirements have been completed and are saved in either .word or .pdf format for easy submission. 

Once your application requirements are complete, fill out this webform to build your agency profile.

Only one login/profile can be created for an agency. After your webform is completed, DHS will review the submitted information then send an email with a link to submit your agency ARMHS application.

Instructions for submitting applications can be found here: Agile Apps Instructions

*These instructions can also be accessed within AGILE APPS.

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