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Disability Services - laws and rules tables

MN Statutes

MN Rules

Adult Day Care Center or Adult Day Services Center Licensure - Rule 223

9555.9600 -9555.9730

9555.9600 Definitions.

9555.9610 Adult day care center licensure.

9555.9620 Licensing process.

9555.9630 [repealed, 18 sr 2748]

9555.9640 Policy and program information requirements.

9555.9650 Personnel records.

9555.9660 Participant records.

9555.9670 Participants' rights.

9555.9680 Personnel requirements.

9555.9690 Staff ratio and center coverage.

9555.9700 Individual service planning.

9555.9710 Service and program requirements.

9555.9720 Safety requirements.

9555.9730 Physical plant and space requirements.

Adult Foster Care - Rule 203


9555.5105 - 9555.6265

9555.5105 Definitions.

9555.5200 [repealed, 12 sr 148]

9555.5205 Applicability.

9555.5300 [repealed, 12 sr 148]

9555.5305 Purpose.

9555.5400 [repealed, 12 sr 148]

9555.5405 Foster home development.

9555.5415 [repealed, 15 sr 2105]

9555.5505 Local agency orientation and training role.

9555.5515 Record on the residence.

9555.5605 Assessment.

9555.5705 Provision of adult foster care services to residents of adult foster homes.

9555.6100 [repealed, 12 sr 148]

9555.6105 Applicability and purpose.

9555.6115 License application process.

9555.6125 Licensing study.

9555.6145 Negative licensing actions.

9555.6165 Capacity.

9555.6167 Individual resident placement agreement.

9555.6175 Cooperate and report to agencies.

9555.6185 Foster care training.

9555.6195 Prohibitions against abuse, neglect, and discrimination.

9555.6200 [repealed, 12 sr 148]

9555.6205 Physical environment.

9555.6215 Water and food.

9555.6225 Sanitation and health.

9555.6235 Adult foster home program.

9555.6245 Personal record of resident in foster care.

9555.6255 Resident's rights.

9555.6265 Safeguards for cash resources entrusted to operator.

Aversive/Deprivation Procedures - Rule 40


9525.2700 - 9525.2810

9525.2700 Purpose and applicability.

9525.2710 Definitions.

9525.2720 Exempted actions and procedures.

9525.2730 Procedures and actions restricted or prohibited.

9525.2740 Procedures permitted and controlled.

9525.2750 Standards for controlled procedures.

9525.2760 Requirements for individual program plans proposing use of a controlled procedure.

9525.2770 Emergency use of controlled procedures.

9525.2780 Requirements for obtaining informed consent.

9525.2790 Regional review committees.

9525.2800 Reporting noncompliance.

9525.2810 Penalty for noncompliance.

Background Checks - Rule 11


Case Management Mental Health Adult


Brain Injury (TBI)

256B.49 , 256B.093

Case Management Mental Health Child


Case Management Of Persons With Developmental Disabilities Or Related Conditions (DD/RC) - Rule 185


9525.0004 - 9525.0036

9525.0004 Definitions.

9525.0008 Applicability and purpose.

9525.0010 [repealed, 11 sr 77]

9525.0012 County board case management responsibilities.

9525.0015 [repealed, 18 sr 2244]

9525.0016 Case management administration.

9525.0020 [repealed, 11 sr 77]

9525.0024 Case management service practice standards.

9525.0025 [repealed, 18 sr 2244]

9525.0028 Quality assurance.

9525.0030 [repealed, 11 sr 77]

9525.0032 Host county concurrence.

9525.0035 [repealed, 18 sr 2244]

9525.0036 Determination of need.

Child Foster Care Administration - Rule 204

9560.0500 - 9560.0670

9560.0500 Scope.

9560.0510 Purpose of foster care services.

9560.0520 [repealed, 20 sr 2778]

9560.0521 Definitions.

9560.0523 Authority for child's placement by local agency.

9560.0525 Local agency given legal custody by court.

9560.0527 Local agency placing child under voluntary agreement.

9560.0529 Placement in licensed facility.

9560.0530 [repealed, 20 sr 2778]

9560.0532 Removal of children.

9560.0535 Local agency search for relatives.

9560.0540 [repealed, 20 sr 2778]

9560.0542 Consideration of the child's heritage.

9560.0545 Documentation of placement efforts.

9560.0550 [repealed, 20 sr 2778]

9560.0552 Decisions about child in foster care.

9560.0560 Relationship to schools and other agencies.

9560.0570 [repealed, 20 sr 2778]

9560.0580 Service requirements.

9560.0590 Waiver.

9560.0600 Provision for meeting health needs.

9560.0603 Placement plan.

9560.0606 Agency review.

9560.0609 Court review of voluntary placements.

9560.0610 [repealed, 20 sr 2778]

9560.0613 Court review of court-ordered placements.

9560.0615 Criteria for return of child to home.

9560.0620 Child's or foster care provider's absence from residential facility.

9560.0630 [repealed, 20 sr 2778]

9560.0640 Financial arrangements and funding considerations.

9560.0650 Maintenance standards.

9560.0651 Difficulty of care assessments and payments.

9560.0652 Definitions.

9560.0653 Difficulty of care payments.

9560.0654 Difficulty of care assessments.

9560.0655 Difficulty of care payment rate.

9560.0656 Documentation.

9560.0657 Effective date.

9560.0660 Foster care benefits up to age 21.

9560.0665 Notice and appeal procedures.

9560.0670 Recruitment of foster care providers.

Child Foster Care Licensing - Rule 1

9545.0010 - 9545.0260 [Repealed, 28 SR 211]

Child Protective Services - Rule 207

9560.0210 - 9560.0234

9560.0210 Purpose.

9560.0212 Scope.

9560.0214 Definitions.

9560.0216 Basic requirements.

9560.0218 Response to reports of infant medical neglect.

9560.0220 Response to reports of maltreatment within the family unit.

9560.0221 Criteria for seeking child's removal from home.

9560.0222 Investigation of reports of maltreatment in a facility.

9560.0223 Placement considerations.

9560.0224 Reports not requiring assessment or investigation by local agency.

9560.0225 Appeals of maltreatment determinations.

9560.0226 Information provided reporters upon completion of assessment or investigation.

9560.0228 Protective services.

9560.0230 Official records.

9560.0232 Administrative requirements.

9560.0234 Training requirements.

Community Alternative Care (CAC) - Rule 70


9505.3680 - 9505.3700 [Repealed, L 2001 1SP9 art 3 s 76]

Community Alternatives For Disabled Individuals (CADI) - Rule 71


9505.3045 - 9505.3140 [Repealed, L 2003 1SP14 art 2 s 57]

Community Social Services Act (CSSA) - Rule 160

256E.01 - 256E.12 [Repealed, 1Sp2003 c 14 art 11 s 12]

9550.0010 - 9550.0093 [Repealed, L 2003 1SP14 art 11 s 12]

Consolidated Standards

245.B01 - 245B.08

245B.01 Rule consolidation.

245B.02 Definitions.

245B.03 Applicability and effect.

245B.04 Consumer rights.

245B.05 Consumer protection standards.

245B.06 Service standards.

245B.07 Management standards.

245B.08 Compliance strategies.

Consumer Support Grant (CSG)


County Board Duties

256E. 08 [Repealed, 1Sp2003 c 14 art 11 s 12]

Day Activities Centers (DACs)

9525.0750 - 9525.0830

9525.0750 Statutory authority.

9525.0760 Definitions.

9525.0770 Board.

9525.0780 Finances.

9525.0790 Staff.

9525.0800 Admissions.

9525.0810 Case records.

9525.0820 Fees.

9525.0830 Exceptions.

Day Training & Habilitation (DT&H) - Rule 30

252.40 - 252.46

9525.1200 - 9525.1330

252.40 Service principles and rate-setting procedures.

9525.1200 Purpose and applicability.

252.41 Definitions.

9525.1210 Definitions.

252.42 Service principles.

9525.1220 Client eligibility.

252.43 Commissioner's duties.

9525.1230 Approval of day service provider.

252.431 Supported employment services; departmental duties; coordination.

9525.1240 Day training and habilitation agreement.

252.44 County board responsibilities.

9525.1250 Reimbursable services.

252.45 Vendor's duties.

9525.1260 [repealed, l 1987 c 403 art 5 s 22 para (b)]

252.451 Agreements with businesses to provide support and supervision of persons with developmental disabilities or related conditions in community-based employment.

9525.1270 [repealed, l 1987 c 403 art 5 s 22 para (b)]

252.452 Expired April 25 1994

9525.1280 [repealed, l 1987 c 403 art 5 s 22 para (b)]

252.46 Payment rates.

9525.1290 Day service provider billing.

9525.1300 Required records and reports.

9525.1310 [repealed, l 1987 c 403 art 5 s 22 para (b)]

9525.1320 Penalties for noncompliance.

9525.1330 Appeals.

DT&H Control and Location of Services - 24-hour Rule

9525.1580 Control and location of services.

DT&H Staffing

9525.1600 [Repealed, 18 SR 2748; L 2004 c 288 art 1 s 83]

Early Periodic Screening, Diagnosis & Treatment (EPSDT) - Rule 61

9505.1693 - 9505.1748

9505.1693 Scope and purpose.

9505.1696 Definitions.

9505.1699 Eligibility to be screened.

9505.1701 Choice of provider.

9505.1703 Eligibility to provide screening.

9505.1706 Reimbursement.

9505.1709 EPSDT screening form.

9505.1712 Training.

9505.1715 Compliance with surveillance and utilization review.

9505.1718 Screening standards for an EPSDT clinic

9505.1724 Provision of diagnosis and treatment.

9505.1727 Informing.

9505.1730 Assistance with obtaining a screening.

9505.1733 Assistance with obtaining diagnosis and treatment.

9505.1736 Special notification requirement.

9505.1739 Children in foster care.

9505.1742 Documentation.

9505.1745 Interagency coordination.

9505.1748 Contracts for administrative services.

Family Adult Day Care


Family Support Grant (FSG)


General Provider Billing Requirements

9505.0450 - 9505.0475

9505.0450 Billing procedures; general.

9505.0455 Billing procedure; business agent.

9505.0460 Consequences of a false claim.

9505.0465 Recovery of payment to provider.

9505.0470 Provider responsibility for billing procedure.

9505.0475 Suspension of provider convicted of crime related to Medicare or Medicaid.

Group Residential Housing

256I.01 - 256I.06








Eligibility for group residential housing payment.


Monthly rates.


Repealed, 1Sp1993 c 1 art 8 s 29


Payment methods.


Respite care pilot project for family adult foster care providers.


County share for certain nursing facility stays.

Home and Community Based Services Waiver for Persons with Developmental Disabilities/Related Conditions (HCBS DD/RC)

256B.092 subd 4

9525.1800 - 9525.1930

9525.1800 Definitions.

9525.1810 Applicability and effect.

9525.1820 Eligibility.

9525.1830 Provision of home and community-based services.

9525.1840 Parental contribution fee.

9525.1850 Provider reimbursement.

9525.1860 Reimbursable services.

9525.1870 Provider contracts and subcontracts.

9525.1880 County proposal and approval of county proposal.

9525.1890 Allocation of home and community-based service money.

9525.1900 Agreement between state and county.

9525.1910 County board funding of home and community-based services.

9525.1920 Required records and reports.

9525.1930 Penalties and appeals.

Home Health Services (skilled nursing and home health aide)

256B.0625 subd 6a, 256B.0627


9505.0290 Home health agency services.

Hospice Care Services

9505.0297 Hospice care services.

Human Services Licensing Act (HSLA)

Chapter 245A

Long-Term Care Consultation Services (LTCC)


Long-Term Care Facilities - Rehab and Therapy Services

9505.0410 - 9505.0412

9505.0410 Long-term care facilities; rehabilitative and therapeutic services to residents.

9505.0411 Long-term care facilities; rehabilitative and therapeutic services to nonresidents.

9505.0412 Required documentation of rehabilitative and therapeutic services.

Reporting Maltreatment Of Minors (MOM)


Reporting Maltreatment of Vulnerable Adults (VA)

245A.65 , 626.557

9555.7100 - 7700

9555.7100 Scope.

9555.7200 Definitions.

9555.7300 Complaint investigation by local social services agencies.

9555.7400 Emergency protective services.

9555.7500 Classification of complaints.

9555.7600 Actions on behalf of a vulnerable adult who refuses services.

9555.7700 Reports to the state agency.

Medical Supplies And Equipment

256B.0625 subd 31

9505.0310 Medical supplies and equipment.

Medical Transportation

256B.0625 subd 17 - 18

9505.0315 Medical transportation.

Medicare Maximization Program


Nursing Facility Pre Admission Screening (PAS)


Ombudsman Services

245.91 - 245.97

245.91 Definitions.

245.92 Office of ombudsman; creation; qualifications; function.

245.93 Organization of office of ombudsman.

245.94 Powers of ombudsman; reviews and evaluations; recommendations.

245.95 Recommendations and reports to governor.

245.96 Civil actions.

245.97 Ombudsman committee.

Personal Care Services (PCA) and Nursing Supervision

256B.0625 subd 19a and 19c, 256B.0627

9505.0335 Personal care services.

Private Duty Nursing Services (PD)

256B.0625 subd 7, 256B.0627

9505.0360 Private duty nursing services.

Provider Appeals


Provider Documentation (Health Services Record)

9505.2175 - 9505.2195

9505.2175 Health service records.

9505.2180 Financial records.

9505.2185 Access to records.

9505.2190 Retention of records.

9505.2195 Copying records.

Public Guardianship - Rule 175

9525.3010 - 9525.3100

9525.3010 Scope.

9525.3015 Definitions.

9525.3020 Persons subject to public guardianship.

9525.3025 Process of appointing a public guardian.

9525.3030 Limits of guardianship powers and duties.

9525.3035 General standards for public guardianship.

9525.3040 Powers and duties of public guardian.

9525.3045 Consent to use of aversive and deprivation procedures.

9525.3050 Consent to use of psychotropic medications.

9525.3055 Nondelegated consent.

Minn. R. 9525.3060 Nondelegated consent requiring a court order.

Minn. R. 9525.3065 Monitoring and evaluation.

Minn. R. 9525.3070 County of guardianship responsibility.

Minn. R. 9525.3075 Supervising agency.

Minn. R. 9525.3080 County contracting for public guardianship services.

Minn. R. 9525.3085 Modification or termination of public guardianship.

Minn. R. 9525.3090 Death of a ward or conservatee.

Minn. R. 9525.3095 Guardianship training.

Minn. R. 9525.3100 Review of public guardianship matters.


Minn. Stat. 245A.12

Recipient Appeals

Minn. Stat. 256.045

Rehabilitation Agency Services (Therapy)

Minn. Stat. 256B.0625, subd. 8, 8a, 8b

Minn. R. 9505.385.- 9505.0392

Minn. R. 9505.0385 Rehabilitation agency services.

Minn. R. 9505.0386 Comprehensive outpatient rehabilitation facilities.

Minn. R. 9505.0390 Rehabilitative and therapeutic services.

Minn. R. 9505.0391 Therapists eligible to enroll as providers.

Minn. R. 9505.0392 Compliance with Medicare requirements.

Respiratory Therapy Services

Minn. R. 9505.0295, subp, 2 Home health services.

Semi-Independent Living Services (SILS) - Rule 20

Minn. Stat. 252.275

Minn. R. 9525.0900 - 9525.1020

Minn. R. 9525.0900 Definitions.

Minn. R. 9525.0910 Purpose and applicability.

Minn. R. 9525.0920 Participant eligibility criteria.

Minn. R. 9525.0930 Approved provider.

Minn. R. 9525.0935 Residential location standards.

Minn. R. 9525.0940 County board and provider contract.

Minn. R. 9525.0950 Reimbursement standards.

9525.0960 [repealed, 18 sr 506]

Minn. R. 9525.0965 Allocations to counties.

Minn. R. 9525.0970 State reimbursement and payment.

Minn. R. 9525.0980 Fiscal and program reporting.

9525.0990 [repealed, 18 sr 506]

Minn. R. 9525.0995 County variances.

Minn. R. 9525.0996 Demonstration projects.

Minn. R. 9525.1000 Repayment of funds.

Minn. R. 9525.1010 Review of commissioner's action.

Minn. R. 9525.1020 Penalty for noncompliance with applicable laws and rules.

Special Education Services

Minn. Stat. 256B.0625, subd. 26

Special Needs Rate Exception - Rule 186

Minn. R. 9510.1020 - 9510.1140

Minn. R. 9510.1020 Definitions.

Minn. R. 9510.1030 Applicability and purpose.

Minn. R. 9510.1040 Application to be completed by provider.

Minn. R. 9510.1050 County review of provider's application.

Minn. R. 9510.1060 County approval process.

Minn. R. 9510.1070 County's application to commissioner.

Minn. R. 9510.1080 Commissioner's determination.

Minn. R. 9510.1090 Establishing special needs rate exception payment.

Minn. R. 9510.1100 Variance request.

Minn. R. 9510.1110 Emergency procedure.

Minn. R. 9510.1120 Duration of special needs rate exception.

Minn. R. 9510.1130 Records, reports, audits, and repayment.

Minn. R. 9510.1140 Appeals.

State Supervision of MA

Minn. Stat. 256B.04

Supervised Living Facilities - SLF Rule

Minn. R. 4665.0100 - 4665.9900

Minn. R. 4665.0100 Definitions.

Minn. R. 4665.0200 Authority and purpose.

Minn. R. 4665.0300 Facility license.

Minn. R. 4665.0400 Licensure procedure.

Minn. R. 4665.0500 Building classification.

Minn. R. 4665.0600 Waivers.

Minn. R. 4665.0700 Program license.

Minn. R. 4665.0800 Staff.

Minn. R. 4665.0900 Residents.

Minn. R. 4665.1000 Resident register.

Minn. R. 4665.1100 Census data.

Minn. R. 4665.1200 Staff health.

Minn. R. 4665.1300 Resident death.

Minn. R. 4665.1310 Pet animals.

4665.1320 [repealed, 17 sr 6]

Minn. R. 4665.1400 Building.

Minn. R. 4665.1500 Floors, walls, and ceilings.

Minn. R. 4665.1600 Lighting.

Minn. R. 4665.1700 Ventilation.

Minn. R. 4665.1800 Space arrangements and requirements.

Minn. R. 4665.1900 Beds.

Minn. R. 4665.2000 Bedding and linen.

Minn. R. 4665.2100 Room furnishings.

Minn. R. 4665.2200 Toilets and baths.

Minn. R. 4665.2300 Insect and rodent control.

Minn. R. 4665.2400 Water supply.

Minn. R. 4665.2500 Plumbing.

Minn. R. 4665.2600 Sewage disposal.

Minn. R. 4665.2700 Food handling practices.

Minn. R. 4665.2800 Frequency of meals.

Minn. R. 4665.2900 Quality and variety.

Minn. R. 4665.3000 Dietary service.

Minn. R. 4665.3100 Menu planning.

Minn. R. 4665.3200 Modified diets.

Minn. R. 4665.3300 Purpose of health services.

Minn. R. 4665.3400 Emergency medical services.

Minn. R. 4665.3500 Admission health assessment.

Minn. R. 4665.3600 Child health assessment.

Minn. R. 4665.3700 Personal hygiene.

Minn. R. 4665.3800 Dental assessment.

Minn. R. 4665.3900 Bed rest.

Minn. R. 4665.4000 Reporting illness.

Minn. R. 4665.4100 Resident's health record.

Minn. R. 4665.4200 Control of medications.

Minn. R. 4665.4300 Handling of medications.

Minn. R. 4665.4400 Medication containers.

Minn. R. 4665.4500 Record of medications.

Minn. R. 4665.4600 Disposition of medications.

Minn. R. 4665.4700 First aid.

Minn. R. 4665.4800 Emergency plan.

Minn. R. 4665.4900 Emergency procedures meeting.

Minn. R. 4665.5000 Telephones.

Minn. R. 4665.5100 Keys.

Minn. R. 4665.5200 Smoking.

Minn. R. 4665.5300 Staff training program.

Minn. R. 4665.5400 Emergency and unusual occurrence.

Minn. R. 4665.5500 Clothing and laundry services.

Minn. R. 4665.5600 Housekeeping services.

Minn. R. 4665.9000 Fines for uncorrected deficiencies in supervised living facilities and authority.

Minn. R. 4665.9010 General requirements.

Minn. R. 4665.9020 Physical plant.

Minn. R. 4665.9030 Nutrition.

Minn. R. 4665.9040 Health services.

Minn. R. 4665.9050 Medication handling procedures.

Minn. R. 4665.9060 Safety.

Minn. R. 4665.9070 Department of health statutes.

Minn. R. 4665.9080 Reporting of maltreatment of vulnerable adults.

Minn. R. 4665.9090 Minnesota clean indoor air act.

Minn. R. 4665.9100 Failure to correct deficiency after a fine has been imposed.

Minn. R. 4665.9900 Reportable diseases.

Targeted Case Management (TCM) for Vulnerable Adults and Persons with DD: includes home care targeted case management and relocation service coordination/targeted case management

Minn. Stat. 256B.0924

Telehomecare: skilled nurse visits

Minn. Stat. 256B.0653, subd. 2

Tuberculosis Related Services

Minn. Stat. 256B.0625, subd. 40

Ventilator-Dependent Recipients - Attendants When Hospitalized

Minn. Stat. 256B.64

Vulnerable Adult Protective Services (VA) - Rule 221

Minn. R. 9555.7100 - 9555.7700

Minn. R. 9555.7100 Scope.

Minn. R. 9555.7200 Definitions.

Minn. R. 9555.7300 Complaint investigation by local social services agencies.

Minn. R. 9555.7400 Emergency protective services.

Minn. R. 9555.7500 Classification of complaints.

Minn. R. 9555.7600 Actions on behalf of a vulnerable adult who refuses services.

Minn. R. 9555.7700 Reports to the state agency.

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