Early childhood evidence-based practices
Early childhood is a period of rapid growth and development and a time when children are remarkably adaptable to change. Research is producing more evidence about what strategies and interventions are most effective in helping many more children and families to grow healthfully and successfully through these early years and beyond. This includes implementing appropriate evidence-based services and supports in family friendly and culturally appropriate environments. There also is growing awareness of the need to recognize the importance of parents and apply more multigenerational approaches when working with young children or parents of young children.
DHS is committed to improving outcomes for the state’s youngest children. Successful early mental health interventions can mean these children are more likely to be ready for school. Prevention literature demonstrates that effective mental health treatment may do more to prevent delinquent behavior and school failure than more generic prevention strategies. The right treatment can reduce risks in young children’s lives and boost their resiliency in responding to future challenges that may come their way.