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Assertive Community Treatment

Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) is an intensive nonresidential treatment and rehabilitative mental health services provided according to the assertive community treatment model. Assertive community treatment provides a single, fixed point of responsibility for treatment, rehabilitation, and support needs for clients. Services are offered 24 hours per day, seven days per week, in a community-based setting.

What services are available?

Covered ACT Services - MHCP Provider Manual

Who is eligible for this service?

Eligible Recipients - MHCP Provider Manual

Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) Certification Application – DHS 7667A
Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) Recertification Application – DHS 7667B 

ACT Variance Policy
Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 256B.0622, subdivision 7e, the commissioner may grant variances to specific requirements under subdivision 2a, 7a, 7b or 7c for an ACT team when:

  1. The ACT team demonstrates an inability to meet the specific requirement and
  2. The team shows how they will ensure the variance will not negatively impact outcomes for clients.
A plan of action for the ACT team to come into compliance with the specific requirements being varied is required and establishes specific time limits for the variance. It is the responsibility of the team to notify DHS of any and all applicable variances using the ACT Variance Form DHS-3820 (PDF).

A decision to grant or deny a variance request is final and not subject to appeal.

Please follow the below timeline when submitting the ACT Variance to the DHS ACT Representative:
  • 2a variance: Prior to admission
  • 7a variance – non leadership role: 90 days after the first day of an unfilled role
  • 7a variance – leadership role: 14 days after the first day of an unfilled leadership role (Team Leader, Psychiatric Provider)
  • 7a variance – staff qualifications: Prior to hiring staff
  • 7b variance: Prior to implementation
  • 7c variance: Prior to implementation
Please complete all applicable fields on DHS-3820

Current providers

Current approved ACT Teams in Minnesota


MHCP Codes & Rates

Reporting requirements

Mental Health Information System (MHIS) is a system used to report the demographic, clinical, and outcomes of clients who received ACT services. MHIS is a secure web-based reporting system that uses MN-ITS security system for web-access. All enrolled MHCP providers and billing agencies have secure access to MN-ITS. Access MHIS resources and get technical assistance.

For questions on ACT
ACT Policy Lead

Additional resources
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