People who use consumer directed community supports receive a budget amount in place of other waiver/program services. Staying within the budget amount, a person chooses what they will purchase and how much it will cost. Minnesota wants people to have an equal chance to access CDCS. The state has developed a standard way to identify budget amounts for people who use CDCS. This ensures that budget amounts are set in the same way, no matter where in Minnesota a person might live.
A person's CDCS budget is set using information from their assessment and screening documents. Information about one person is compared with information about other persons who have similar needs and circumstances. Based on the grouping a person is in, their new budget will be set at 70 percent of the average cost. Information used to set the budget is based on the person's most recent and valid:
A person must be assessed by their county case manager, tribal entity or health plan representative every year to remain on the waiver and CDCS. If a person's needs do not change, a person can expect that their budget will remain about the same for the next year.
A person decides how to use the funds in their CDCS budget to best meet their service and supports needs and preferences within the guidelines of the CDCS service and the waiver or Alternative Care program. The budget amount provided to a person is the maximum amount of funds they have to use for the services and supports for one full year.