HCBS Settings Review Panel
DHS will use an HCBS Settings Review Panel (SRP) to review evidentiary packages of some settings that the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) “presumes are not HCBS.” The Department of Human Services (DHS) will review these packages after the public comment period but before submission to CMS, when:
- DHS does not believe the setting is HCBS
- Public comment raises concern that the setting has institutional or isolating qualities.
We will post evidentiary packages for public comment on the HCBS settings heightened-scrutiny process webpage as we complete them.
In March 2019, DHS selected 11 SRP members who represent diverse perspectives and experiences. Click the Members tab below to read a list of members.
DHS will provide the resources necessary to operate the SRP. Members will not be paid and will volunteer their time to participate on the panel.