Early Child Care and Education Resources
Ascend at the Aspen Institute
Ascend at the Aspen Institute is a catalyst and convener for diverse leaders working across systems and sectors to build intergenerational family prosperity and well-being by focusing on children and the adults in their lives together. The institute believes in the power of co-creation. The institute brings together a community of well-connected, well-prepared, and well-positioned leaders to build the political will that transforms hearts, minds, policies and practices.
Ascend has a wealth of publications and resources to guide whole family systems work.
Research Brief: Understanding Obstacles to Digital Equity in Minnesota
Broadband access is increasingly necessary for people seeking access to government services. And, yet, despite an abundance of state and federal funding and programs to improve access, many low-income Minnesotans do not have it. The Office of Broadband Development (OBD) states that nearly 92% of the state has access to internet speeds that meet the state’s 2022 broadband goals. However, when focusing on rural access alone, this percentage drops by approximately 10 percentage points. Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) helps households afford broadband and internet access. Yet, Minnesota is behind other states in ACP adoption. For instance, as of August 2023, only 27% of eligible Minnesotans had enrolled, compared to the national adoption rate of 37%.
Early Childhood Systems Reform 2017 Final Report | Minnesota Department of Human Services
This report gives an overview of the first year of the Early Childhood Systems Reform project.
Digital Literacy Pilot overview | Intercultural Mutual Assistance Association
This brochure gives an overview of the Intercultural Mutual Assistance Association prototype focused on providing digital literacy and access to first-generation immigrants and refugees.
Early Childhood Systems Reform overview | Minnesota Department of Human Services
The Early Childhood Systems Reform project was launched in early 2017 to create an effective state system of early childhood programs and services to ensure pregnant and parenting families of children up to three years old are receiving the supports they need in a manner that encourages their optimal growth and development and eliminates racial disparities in program access and outcomes.
Early Childhood Systems Reform: American Indian Report | Minnesota Department of Human Services
This report summarizes how American Indians experience early childhood system barriers and failures and defines problems in the system. It responds to the lack of American Indian inclusion and involvement in government attempts to reduce American Indian racial disparities and improve early childhood policies affecting this community.
Pre-school development grant | Minnesota Department of Education
Minnesota’s Preschool Development Birth through Five grant is a partnership among the Minnesota Departments of Education, Health and Human Services, along with the Children’s Cabinet, to align education and care systems across the state. The three-year $26.7 million grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services supports pregnant families and families with children aged 5 and younger.
Presumptive eligibility for child care assistance: A 2-Gen Network Prototype | Minnesota Department of Human Services
This brief highlights the presumptive eligibility for child care prototype developed and piloted by the Northside Achievement Zone 2-Gen collaborative partnership to expedite access to subsidized child care for some families participating in the Minnesota Family Investment Program. The Northside Achievement Zone 2-Gen partnership, which includes Northside Achievement Zone, Hennepin County Health and Human Services and HIRED employment services, collaborates with the Minnesota Department of Human Services through Minnesota’s 2-Gen Network to develop and test integrative multi-generational approaches to serving families.
State of Minnesota services and supports for families with young children | Minnesota Department of Management and Budget
This inventory is a compilation of state-administered programs and services serving Minnesota children and families. This resource guide is designed to help connect Minnesota children, their parents and loved ones to opportunities and support available across the state.
Centering families in community partnerships in Minnesota | BUILD Initiative
Megan Waltz supervises the Promotion and Prevention Unit within the Child Safety and Permanency Division at the Minnesota Department of Human Services. Host Dr. Sherri Killins Stewart talks with Waltz about how she develops systems more responsive to family needs by truly listening to the communities she serves.
Video: CLUES partners with the Minnesota Department of Education to connect families with schools | CLUES and Minnesota Department of Education
This video shows real-life examples of how CLUES's prototypes helped Latino families by addressing early language and literacy disparities.
2-Generation Administrative Data Brief, Issue 2 - The effect of child support disregard on MFIP grant | Minnesota Department of Human Services
This report uses data to examine the effect of the child support disregard on Minnesota Family Investment Program grant amounts and child support payments. The department found that the disregard significantly positively affects the Minnesota Family Investment Program grant and is associated with higher child support payments for children.