A Commitment to Our Future
Age-Friendly Minnesota Director
Multisector Blueprint
for an Age-Friendly Minnesota
Over the past several years, the Age-Friendly Minnesota Council has been leading the development of the state's first Multisector Blueprint for Aging. This ten-year, cross-sector plan represents a powerful new way to elevate and coordinate aging across state agencies, and to co-design policy, programs, and funding across sectors with an aging lens. After extensive engagement and planning, Age-Friendly Minnesota is excited to release the first version of the Multisector Blueprint for Aging. We thank the many partners and people who have contributed to this work, and we invite you to join us as implementation begins!
View the interactive blueprint for the Multisector Blueprint for Aging.
Learn more about the Multisector Blueprint for Aging by watching this 14 minute video and/or visit the Blueprint page on agefriendlymn.org.
After you've reviewed the draft framework for the Multisector Blueprint for Aging, we would like to hear your thoughts, ideas, and feedback on the design, domains, strategies, issues within your communities that needs to be addressed, and partners to lead the efforts.
At a Glance: Age-Friendly Minnesota Grants Update
Community Grants
Age-Friendly Minnesota received 191 applications for its second round of Community Grants. Community Grants are designed to expand the reach and impact of age-friendly work through diverse community initiatives, systems change work and community development, as well as the Multisector Blueprint for Aging. This round of Community Grants will be awarded in four Funding Areas:
- Connected Communities
- Emergency Preparedness, Individual Rights and Safety
- Optimized Health and Longevity
- Economic Security and Vitality
Please note the following key dates:
- Grant Applicant Conference Recording, October 16, 2024
- Applications were due Friday, November 8, 2024, by 4:00 pm CST.
- Grant funding period is anticipated to be 13 months, from mid-February 2025 through March 30, 2026
Technical Assistance Provider Grants
Age-Friendly Minnesota awards and welcomes fourteen Minnesota organizations for the Technical Assistance Provider (TAP) Grant. This grant period will run from July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2026.