Long-Term Care Consultation (LTCC) services help you make decisions about long-term care services and supports that reflect your needs and preferences. A long-term care consultant will meet with you face-to-face to identify services to help you remain in your home and community, and provide information about service and housing options. Long-term care consultants can also help you plan services that you may need if you are moving out of a nursing home.
LTCC services are available to you if you have any long-term or chronic care needs. You do not need to be eligible for or have applied for publicly paid health care programs. There is no charge for LTCC services.
Help staying in your home and community
LTCC services include a face-to-face visit to help you become aware of supports and services in the community so you and your family may make an informed choice about where you want to live. During the visit with a social worker or nurse, you can discuss your wants and needs. You will receive information about local long-term care services and support options and about options that might help you pay for services. After your visit, you will receive a copy of a support or service plan that you helped develop during the visit with recommendations about service options that could meet your current needs.
If you want to apply for help paying for long-term care in your home or another setting in the community, a LTCC visit is required even if you already have health care coverage.
Disability Hub MN is a free, statewide resource for people with disabilities of all ages. You can call 866-333-2466 or chat Monday through Friday between 8:30a.m.-4:30p.m. or submit an email at any time. Disability Hub MN Resource Specialists will provide one-to-one assistance to help people learn about their options and connect with the supports and services they choose.
Other resources on the Internet are MinnesotaHelp.info and the Senior Linkage Line. You can talk to a specialist if you call 800-333-2433 Monday through Friday between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.