The following images and copy can be shared on social media about information and resources that are available to the community.
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Alt text
An image of a woman looking out the window about to make a call with text that says, call because you care. 1-844-880-1574
Older adults who need care can be abused and this can come in many forms, and every circumstance is unique. The Department of Human Services and our partners have assistance, ready to help those affected. You can make a difference. Support is available. Call 1-844-880-1574 or click to learn more: [LINK]
Older adults who need care can be abused and this can come in many forms, and every circumstance is unique. The Department of Human Services and our partners are ready to help those affected. Support is available. Call 1-844-880-1574 or click to learn more: [LINK]
Older adults who need care can be abused and this can come in many forms, and every circumstance is unique. The Department of Human Services and our partners have assistance, ready to help those affected. You can make a difference. Support is available. Call 1-844-880-1574 or click the link in our bio to learn more.
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An image of text that says help make it right. Call 1-844-880-1574.
Are you concerned that reporting abuse might cause more problems for the individuals involved? There are specialized services in place for each unique situation. You can make a difference. Support is available. Call 1-844-880-1574 or visit the link to learn more: [LINK]
Are you concerned that reporting abuse might cause more problems for the individuals involved? There are specialized services in place for each unique situation. Call 1-844-880-1574 or visit the link to learn more: [LINK]
Are you concerned that reporting abuse might cause more problems for the individuals involved? There are specialized services in place for each unique situation. You can make a difference. Support is available. Call 1-844-880-1574 or visit the link to learn more at the link in bio.
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An image of text that says silence only feeds abuse. Call because you care. 1-844-880-1574
How can you be of help for those who are afraid to come forward about possible abuse or mistreatment? Check-in on them and remind them there is help available by calling the Minnesota Adult Abuse Reporting Center. It is always open for you to refer an adult needing support to care for themselves: 1-844-880-1574.
How can you be of help for older adults who are afraid to come forward about possible abuse or mistreatment? Check-in on them and remind them there is help available by calling the Minnesota Adult Abuse Reporting Center: 1-844-880-1574.
How can you be of help for those who are afraid to come forward about possible abuse or mistreatment? Check-in on them and remind them there is help available by calling the Minnesota Adult Abuse Reporting Center. It is always open for you to refer an adult needing support in care for themselves: 1-844-880-1574.
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An image of a man thinking with text that says if you don’t report abuse, who will?
If you suspect an older adult who needs care is being harmed, mistreated, or exploited, reporting it can be the first step to ending the abuse. You can make it right by calling 1-844-880-1574. It’s a small effort that can make all the difference. Visit the link for more info: [LINK]
If you suspect an older adult who needs care is being harmed, mistreated, or exploited, reporting it can be the first step to ending the abuse. You can make it right by calling 1-844-880-1574. It’s a small effort that can make all the difference. Visit the link for more info: [LINK]
If you suspect an older adult who needs care is being harmed, mistreated, or exploited, reporting it can be the first step to ending the abuse. You can make it right by calling 1-844-880-1574. It’s a small effort that can make all the difference. Visit the link for more info in our bio.
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An image of a man and woman holding hands.
Individuals with disabilities are at an increased risk of being abused, neglected, exploited, or mistreated. The Minnesota Department of Human Services, along with county and community partners, works to promote safety and well-being for all. With your help, we can be advocates for our most at risk populations. Call 1-844-880-1574 or visit the link: [LINK]
Individuals with disabilities are at an increased risk of being abused, neglected, exploited, or mistreated. The Minnesota Department of Human Services works to promote safety and well- being for all. Call 1-844-880-1574 or visit the link to learn more: [LINK]
Individuals with disabilities are at an increased risk of being abused, neglected, exploited, or mistreated. The Minnesota Department of Human Services, along with county and community partners, works to promote safety and well-being for all. With your help, we can be advocates for our most at risk populations. Call 1-844-880-1574 or visit the link in the bio to learn more.
Included below is website content and an image for you to place on your website about resources available to the community.
Abuse can’t be allowed. Your call matters.
If you suspect an at-risk adult is being neglected, mistreated, or exploited, please call 1-844-880-1574. A small act could make a big difference. Taking action is an important decision, and you may be someone’s only chance for finding help. If you’re concerned that reporting might cause stress for those involved, that’s no reason to wait. There are specialized services in place for each unique situation to best help those affected. So, if you suspect something is wrong, speak up. Call it in.