Minnesota’s Ryan White system of care includes the following services, which may be accessed by anyone determined eligible through MNCE:
- ADAP services
- Early intervention services
- Emergency financial assistance
- Food bank or home delivered meals
- Health education and risk reduction
- Health insurance premium and cost sharing
- Home and community-based health services
- Housing services
- Legal services
- Medical and non-medical case management
- Medication and nutritional therapy
- Mental health services
- Outpatient ambulatory services
- Outreach
- Program HH services
- Psychosocial support services
- Referral for health care and supportive services
- Substance abuse outpatient care
- Treatment adherence
Minnesota Ryan White Program services are available to those who meet the following criteria:
- A person who has received an HIV/AIDS diagnosis.
- A resident of Minnesota or St. Croix and Pierce counties in Wisconsin.
- A household with total income of less than 400% of the federal poverty guideline.
Additional program assessments can be made to determine eligibility for services if a person seeking services meets the above criteria and has no insurance or is underinsured. Underinsured means a person has insurance, but their insurance might not cover all HIV-related expenses.