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Meeting Information

The State Advisory Council on Mental Health and Subcommittee on Children's Mental Health meetings are the first Thursday of every month. All State Advisory Council on Mental Health and Subcommittee on Children’s Mental Health Meetings are hybrid. The in-person option is held at the Elmer L. Anderson Building at 540 Cedar Street, Saint Paul, MN. The meetings take place on the second floor in the public meeting rooms.

If there are changes to the meeting cadence, times or locations, updates will be posted here.

All meetings are open to the public and guests are encouraged to attend.

Please use the link below for all State Advisory Council on Mental Health and Subcommittee on Children’s Mental Health meetings:

Webex Link:

Access Code: 1469517060

Join by video system

Dial and enter your host PIN.

You can also dial and enter your meeting number.

Join by phone

+1-415-655-0003 United States Toll

1-855-282-6330 United States Toll Free

Access code: 146 951 7060

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