Individual Placement & Support Services (IPS) Supported Employment (SE) is an evidence-based practice that promotes the recovery of people who have serious mental illness through work. This integrated service approach is well defined by eight practice principles and a 25-item fidelity scale. IPS SE is recognized by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). The efficacy and effectiveness of IPS has been empirically validated in achieving competitive employment outcomes for people in recovery from a serious mental illness.
To successfully implement IPS, there is a deliberate shift away from traditional brokered services toward a dynamic collaboration partnership comprised of a DHS approved mental health services provider, with a CARF-accredited, community rehabilitation program, and MN DEED/Vocational Rehabilitative Services (VRS). Adults receiving mental health treatment services through the approved provider are able to rapidly access employment services more efficiently and effectively through the Collaborative Partnership.
Minnesota is a member of the International Learning Community. Through the Community, 25 states and localities, and six countries outside of the U.S. are engaged in IPS research and service implementation through the IPS Employment Center at the Rockville Institute. In 2006, Minnesota received an implementation grant which launched six IPS collaborative programs in six counties. In 2013, the State of Minnesota approved legislation to support the development and implementation of an additional 17 IPS teams across 18 counties. As of 2021, there are 21 IPS teams, serving 45 counties throughout the state.