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Asset Verification Service (AVS)

Certain Medical Assistance (MA) and Medicare Savings Program (MSP) applicants who are subject to an asset limit must authorize the use of the Asset Verification Service (AVS) to qualify for and maintain coverage. The AVS is a tool required by federal law to verify assets held in financial institutions, like checking and savings accounts.

To authorize the use of AVS, these applicants along with their spouses and sponsors, if applicable, must fill out and sign the Authorization to Obtain Financial Information from the Asset Verification Service (AVS) form (DHS-7823) (PDF).

The requirement to authorize the use of AVS does not apply to people who are not subject to an asset limit, including people applying for Medical Assistance for Employed Persons with Disabilities (MA-EPD), children under age 21, or Social Security Income (SSI) recipients with 1619a or 1619b status.

The following questions and answers give more information for MA and MSP applicants who must authorize the use of AVS.

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