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Certified child care centers

The Department of Human Services is responsible for certifying and monitoring license-exempt child care centers that participate in the Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP). Certification helps protect the health and safety of children by requiring that providers meet minimum standards for care and physical environment. 

Information on how to obtain child care center certification

In Minnesota, a license-exempt child care center that participates in the Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) is required by state law to become certified prior to becoming authorized to receive CCAP payments. Information and resources are available about the process of applying for certification.

News and updates

Provider Hub

The Provider Hub is the online system to manage existing licenses and apply for new licenses. The Provider Hub is available to providers 24/7 and is accessible on mobile devices, tablets, and computers. The Provider Hub supports English, Somali, Spanish, and Hmong languages.

The Provider Hub allows child care providers to:

  • Manage existing certified centers, including requesting changes and submitting information for the annual certification review. 
  • Apply for a license for a new program.
  • Add additional users to access program information.

Most of the information about how to use the Provider Hub is in the Hub itself. For resources about how to find that information, or about how to log in or begin an application in the Provider Hub, visit Provider Hub: Getting started.

Contact us

Changes in policies and procedures

Health and safety requirements

Emergency preparedness


Background study requirements

Staffing requirements

Training requirements

Parental access

Certified centers must include a statement in both the staff and parent policies that a parent or legal guardian must be allowed access to their child at any time their child is in care.

Legal authority: Minn. Stat. 245H.18

Forms and other documents

Certification renewals, fees, and changes


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