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Background studies

Dark blue fingerprint iconThe Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS) requires background studies for people who work in certain health and human services programs, and in child care settings if they provide care or have direct contact with vulnerable populations. DHS also completes background studies on others, such as people planning to provide foster care or adopt. Minnesota statutes direct the background study process for entities required to initiate background studies

A study determines whether a person has committed an act that would disqualify them from providing care. Requirements for completing a background study vary based on the type of work or services the individual will be providing. A summary of the process can be found in the Background Studies Overview (PDF). DHS conducts background studies for more than 70 provider types, including more than 35,000 entities. In calendar year 2024, DHS received 538,671 background study application requests. Background study requests are submitted through NETStudy 2.0. A NETStudy 2.0 System Maintenance schedule is available.

DHS temporarily modified background studies during the COVID-19 pandemic. Modifications ended Jan. 1, 2023, and emergency studies are no longer valid .

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Find out what the background study process includes.

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Information for entities initiating background studies.

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What's new

News and updates about background studies.

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Learn why some study subjects might be disqualified.

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Study subjects who are disqualified can request reconsideration.

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Answers to questions about background studies.

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