DHS initiated the lead agency review of home and community-based service (HCBS) programs in 2006 and has, to date, completed two full rounds of reviews for each lead agency (county or tribal nation) that administers HCBS waiver programs. It examines all five Medicaid waiver programs and the Alternative Care Program in each lead agency.
Each multi-day site visit includes:
DHS shares performance measures and operational indicators during the HCBS lead agency review site visit. These data allow lead agencies to compare themselves to other cohort agencies (PDF) of a similar size on how they meet the needs of their community. DHS reports its findings to the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services about Minnesota's HCBS programs.
The Lead Agency Review evaluates components of person-centered planning and practices in HCBS programs. The Person-Centered, Informed Choice, and Transition Protocol requires lead agencies to provide people with increased choices and opportunities for community inclusion.
Once DHS completes the final analysis, we will prepare a customized report for each lead agency. We will make both this report and the lead agency’s corrective action plan (if applicable) public.Reports and corrective action plans are available for the following reviews:
Additional information is on the project website.