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Mobile Crisis Mental Health Services

Mobile Crisis Mental Health Services fact sheet (PDF)
Mobile Crisis Services FAQ Aug. 22 (PDF)

Mobile crisis interventions are short-term, intensive mental health services provided during a mental health crisis or emergency. Mobile crisis teams are mental health professionals and practitioners who provide psychiatric services to individuals within their own homes and at other sites outside the traditional clinical setting. Teams provide for a rapid response and will work to assess the individual, resolve crisis situations, and link people to needed services. Mobile crisis services are available throughout the state, and most are 24/7.


  • Mobile crisis teams reduce psychiatric hospitalizations.
  • Research has shown that mobile crisis services are:
    • Effective at diverting people in crisis from psychiatric hospitalization,
    • Effective at linking suicidal individuals discharged from the emergency department to services,
    • Better than hospitalization at linking people in crisis to outpatient services, and
    • Effective in finding hard-to-reach individuals.
  • These services help the recipient to:
    • Cope with immediate stressors and lessen their suffering
    • Identify and use available resources and recipient’s strengths
    • Avoid unnecessary hospitalization and loss of independent living
    • Develop action plans
    • Begin to return to their baseline level of functioning.
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