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Racial Equity Resources

BUILD Equity Action Framework | BUILD Initiative

BUILD Initiative, a partner in the Whole Family Systems Initiative work, created an Equity Action Framework tool. BUILD trained Department of Human Services leaders, staff and seven contracted sites on this equity tool and is teaching and supporting them in applying an equity lens in their work with communities most impacted by disparities to bring more equity to programs and services.

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2-Generation Case Study, Issue 2 - Collaborative evaluation | Minnesota Department of Human Services and White Earth Nation

As part of the Minnesota 2-Generation Policy Network, White Earth Nation and the Minnesota Department of Human Services partnered on White Earth Coordination Assessment Resource and Education (WECARE), an initiative to provide wraparound services to individuals seeking assistance from Tribal programs. This collaboration also included program evaluation and data analysis. They leveraged the department's evaluation and analysis experience, commitment to evaluation and rich data of WECARE. This partnership provides an example of an effective collaboration, and how institutions can work together to achieve positive outcomes. Collaborative analysis of data collected by WECARE may lead to effective program changes that will better serve White Earth Nation citizens. Tribal and department staff worked together to analyze data in ways that honors participants, creating potential for strengthening program policy.

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Early Childhood Systems Reform: American Indian Report | Minnesota Department of Human Services

This report summarizes how American Indians experience early childhood system barriers and failures and defines problems in the system. It responds to the lack of American Indian inclusion and involvement in government attempts to reduce American Indian racial disparities and improve early childhood policies affecting this community.

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Video: CLUES partners with the Minnesota Department of Education to connect families with schools | CLUES and Minnesota Department of Education

This video shows real-life examples of how CLUES's prototypes helped Latino families by addressing early language and literacy disparities.

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Digital Literacy Pilot overview | Intercultural Mutual Assistance Association

This brochure gives an overview of the Intercultural Mutual Assistance Association prototype focused on providing digital literacy and access to first-generation immigrants and refugees.

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