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Frequently asked questions

Who runs Develop?

Develop is funded by the Minnesota Department of Human Services through the federal Child Care and Development Fund Block Grant. We have many partners who play roles in operating and supporting Develop, including contracted agencies who are responsible for certain aspects of the work.

  • Achieve, the Minnesota Center for Professional Development, plays a big role in operating and supporting the professional development features within Develop.
  • Child Care Aware of Minnesota plays a big part in operating and supporting the quality improvement features.
  • The Develop help desk helps people use Develop and get the most out of the system.

Are people required to use Develop?

No one is mandated to use Develop. Some initiatives or employers require people to have a Develop Individual Profile and/or current Individual Membership. If you want to register in Develop for training, you need to have an Individual Profile. There are some features that you must have a current Individual Membership to use.

Are programs required to use Develop?

Some initiatives require programs to have a registered Organization Profile. Licensed child care programs that are currently participating in Parent Aware are required to use Develop. Their lead providers and teachers must have current Individual Memberships in Develop and must identify their current employer by license number. For more information, please go to

The requirements are different for Head Start grantees and their sites, and school districts and their sites. Grantees and districts are encouraged to register their Organization Profiles and apply or submit for Parent Aware in Develop, but they are not required. Current Individual Memberships are not required for employees of Head Starts or school districts.

Head Start grantees and districts will be able to apply for Parent Aware on behalf of their sites without registering their sites.

If you have a question, please contact

Contact info

  • Contact the Develop Help Desk at or 844-605-6938.
  • Customer service is available Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., with extended hours on Tuesday and Thursday until 7 p.m.

Whether you email or leave a message, we will get back to you within one business day.

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