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Disability Services Innovation Grants

People in Minnesota who have disabilities want the same great quality of life that most people in Minnesota enjoy: to work and earn money, live in housing of their choice, choose their care providers, their friends and social activities. It is also important to maximize the capacity, strengths and unique abilities of families to best support their family members with a disability.

The Disability Services Division launched its innovation grants program in 2016 to support new and innovative ideas to achieve these outcomes effectively and efficiently. See the Innovation grants awarded webpage for a list of grantees in prior rounds.

Timeline for Innovation Grants RFP

  • Jan. 5, 2026: Innovation Grants RFP process opens.
  • January 2026: Information session.
  • February/March 2026: RFP closes.
  • April/May 2026: Review of applications.
  • June 2026: Negotiate contracts.
  • July/August 2026: Grantee anticipated start date.
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