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Elderly Waiver Residential Services

Customized Living and Foster Care Services

Customized living (CL) is an individualized package of regularly scheduled, health-related and supportive services provided to a person age 18 years or older who resides in a qualified setting. 

24-hour customized living (CL): Customized living services provided with 24-hour supervision.

Adult foster care: Individual waiver services that provide ongoing residential care and supportive services to adults living in a home licensed as family foster care or a community residential setting (CRS). These services are individualized and based on the needs of the adult, as identified in the support plan.

Family foster care setting: A licensed family foster care setting where the license holder resides in the home.

Community residential setting (CRS): A licensed residential setting that serves adults and where the license holder does not reside. This setting typically uses a shift-staff model of support (i.e., paid staff work shifts on a 24-hour basis). In this type of setting, at least one person receives foster care or supported living services funded by an HCBS waiver program.

Lead agencies and providers may refer to the CBSM Rate methodologies for AC, ECS and EW service authorization page and the Long-term services and supports rates changes page for additional information on determining rates and authorizing services for the Elderly Waiver (EW), EW Residential services, Alternative Care (AC) and Essential Community Supports (ECS) programs and Foster Care services.


Information about the Elderly Waiver Residential Services tool is located in the MnCHOICES section of PartnerLink. Included in this section is the latest technical guidance, important links to training and the MnCHOICES Help Desk form.

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