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EIDBI licensure study

In 2023, the Minnesota Legislature directed DHS to conduct a licensure study of the Early Intensive Developmental and Behavioral Intervention (EIDBI) Benefit that engaged interested parties. The purpose of the licensure study was to:

  • Summarize current licensure and certification programs within the state and nationally.
  • Evaluate the need for licensure or other regulations for the EIDBI Benefit.
  • Conduct community engagement with interested parties and incorporate their feedback on potential licensure and regulation changes for the EIDBI benefit.
  • Complete a report on their findings and recommend next steps.


The 2013 Minnesota Legislature passed a law to create the EIDBI Benefit for children up to age 18 with autism spectrum disorder. Later amendments expanded eligibility to include people under 21 years old with ASD or a related condition.

The purpose of the EIDBI Benefit is to provide medically necessary early intensive intervention for people with ASD and related conditions, as well as:

  • Educate, train and support their parents and families.
  • Promote people’s independence and participation in family, school and community life.
  • Improve long-term outcomes and the quality of life for people and their families.


DHS hired three outside contractors to help it to complete the licensure study.

For more information, use the ASD Contact Form.

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