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Adult day care

Adult foster care

Adult Mental Health, 651-431-2225
Adult mental health services

  • Metro area, 763-548-BEDS
  • Greater Minnesota, 866-966-BEDS

Adult Protective Services Unit, 651-431-2609

Affirmative action, 651-431-3040
Aging and Adult Services, 651-431-2600
AIDS/HIV Programs, 651-431-2414
  • Program hotline, 800-657-3761

Alcohol and Drug Abuse Division, 651-431-2460
Alternative Care (AC)

Appeals and Regulations, 651-431-3600


Benefit Recovery, 651-431-3100

  • Toll-free line 800-657-3963

Benefit Recovery Special Recovery Liens, 651-431-3204
Board on Aging, 651-431-2500

Budget Analysis, 651-431-2930


Central Pre-Admission (Direct Care and Treatment), 651-431-5337

  • Toll-free line for Greater Minnesota, 866-966-BEDS (2337)

Chemical health - See Alcohol and Drug Abuse Division
Child and Teen Checkups, 651-431-5655
Children's Mental Health, 651-431-2321 
Civil rights, 651-431-3040

  • TTY/TDD 651-431-7444

Commissioner's Office, 651-431-2907
Community partnerships, 651-431-3809
Community Supports, 651-431-4300
Compulsive Gambling Program, 651-431-2245
Consumer Support Grants (CSG), 651-431-4300
Continuing Care for Persons with Disabilities, 651-431-2400


Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services Division, 800-657-3663 voice or your preferred relay service, 651-964-1514 videophone
DHS Information Desk, 651-431-2000
DHS Security, 651-431-3000
Disability Hub MN, 866-333-2466
Disability Services Division, 651-431-4300 or  toll-free line, 866-267-7655
Discrimination, 651-431-3040

  • TTY/TDD, 651-296-8758

Drugs (prescription drug assistance), 800-333-2433 (Senior LinkAge Line)


Economic assistance, 651-431-4000;
Elderly Waiver (EW)

Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT), 888-997-2227
Electronic Data Interchange, 651-431-2700

  • Toll-free line, 800-366-5411

Equal access to programs or services (EOAA), 651-431-3040
Equal Opportunity Office, 651-431-3040


Fair treatment, 651-431-3040
Financial Operations, 651-431-3725
Fraud hotline for recipients

  • Twin Cities metro, 651-431-3968
  • Toll-free line, 800-627-9977


Minnesota Problem Gambling Helpline, 800-333-HOPE
Compulsive Gambling Program, 651-431-2245
Group Residential Housing, see Housing Support Services


Health Care Eligibility and Access, 651-431-2283

  • Toll-free line, 888-938-3224

Health Care Eligibility Verification System

  • Providers only, 651-431-4399
  • Toll-free line, 800-657-3613
  • Members only, 651-431-2670
  • Toll-free line, 800-657-3739

Health Care Operations, 651-431-3100

  • Toll-free line, 800-657-3963

Health Care Programs, 651-431-2478

Health care provider fraud hotline

  • Twin Cities metro, 651-431-2650
  • Toll-free line, 800-657-3750

Health insurance counseling, 800-333-2433

  • TTY/TDD, 800-627-3529

Health Care Research and Quality, 800-657-3674 or 651-431-2648
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), 651-431-2700
HIV/AIDS Programs, 651-431-2398 or 800-657-3761 (toll-free)

  • AIDSLine hotline, 612-373-2437 or 800-248-2437

Housing Resources Toolbox, 651-297-1216
Housing Support Services, 651-431-3941
Human Resources, 651-431-2990

  • Toll-free line, 800-657-3509


Indian Policy, Office of, 651-431-2910
Individualized Education Program (IEP) services and Minnesota Health Care Programs, 651-431-2622
Infants and toddlers with disabilities, 651-431-2400
Information Desk, 651-431-2000
Information Technology, 651-431-2110
Internal Audits Office, 651-431-3623
Interpreters for deaf and hard of hearing - relay services, 800-627-3529
Inspector General, Office of, see Office of Inspector General




Legislative audits, 651-431-2281
Licensing, 651-431-6500
LinkVet, 888-LINKVET or 888-546-5838
Long-Term Care Consultation


Medical Assistance (Medicaid), 651-431-2670

Medicaid Provider Audits and Investigations (MPAI)

  • Hotline, 651-431-2650
  • Toll-free line: 800-657-3750

Mental health - adults, 651-431-2225

MinnesotaCare, 651-297-3862

  • Toll-free line, 800-657-3672
  • Fax, 651-431-7500

Minnesota Adult Abuse Reporting Center, 844-880-1574 (open 24/7)

Minnesota Access to Communication Technology (MNACT, formerly the TED Program)

  • Twin cities metro 651-431-5945
  • Toll-free line, 800-657-3663

Minnesota Board on Aging, 651-431-2500

Minnesota Family Planning Program, 651-431-3480

  • Toll-free line, 888-702-9968


Minnesota Senior Health Options (MSHO), 651-431-2517
Minnesota Sex Offender Program (MSOP), 651-431-5800
Minnesota State Operated Community Services (MSOCS), 651-776-4117
Minnesota Supplemental Aid (MSA), 651-431-4049


Nursing Facility Rates and Policy, 651-431-2281


Office of Indian Policy, 651-431-2910
Office of Inspector General, 651-431-6630

  • Toll-free line, 855-277-5407

Office of Ombudsman for Long-Term Care, 651-431-2555

  • Toll-free line, 800-657-3591

Ombudsman for Public Managed Health Care Programs, 651-431-2660

  • Toll-free line, 800-657-3729


Payment Error Rate Measurement (PERM), 651-431-4279
Performance Measurement and Quality Improvement (see Health Care Research and Quality)
Pharmacy - Minnesota Health Care Programs (MHCP), 651-431-2504
Pre-Admission Screening Program, 651-431-2579
Program Assessment and Integrity (PAID), 651-431-3936
Provider Appeals, 651-431-2700
Provider Enrollment, 651-431-2700

  • Toll-free line, 800-366-5411
  • Fax, 651-431-7462

Provider Call Center (Health Care Programs), 651-431-2700

  • Toll-free line, 800-366-5411

Provider and billing fraud hotline (Medical Assistance), 651-431-2650
Purchasing and Service Delivery (Health Care), 651-431-2478




Security desk at DHS, 651-431-3000
Senior LinkAge Line, 800-333-2433
Social Services Information System, 651-431-4800
SOS Central Pre-Admission, 651-431-5337

  • Toll-free line for Greater Minnesota, 866-966-BEDS (2337)

Special Needs BasicCare (SNBC), 651-431-2516
Special Recovery Unit, 651-431-3204
Special Transportation

  • Provider Call Center, 651-431-2700
  • Toll-free line, 800-366-5411
  • MHCP Member Help Desk, 651-431-2670
  • Toll-free line, 800-657-3739

State Medical Review Team, 651-431-2493
State Operated Services Support, 651-431-6885


Telephone Assistance Plan (TAP), call your local telephone company for an application

  • Toll-free line, 800-657-3663
  • Video phone, 651-964-1514 VP

Tort Recovery Unit, 651-431-7431

Treatment centers, regional, 651-431-3676


Unfair treatment, 651-431-3040



  • Fraud disqualifications, 651-431-3999

Veterans Linkage Line, 888-LINKVET, 888-546-5838
Virtual presence, 651-431-2070


Welfare Fraud Hotline

  • Twin Cities metro, 651-431-3968
  • Toll-free line, 800-627-9977




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