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Housing programs and services

The Homelessness, Housing, and Support Services Administration, along with partners at other state agencies, works to ensure housing is available for everyone. We bring together housing, services and income supports in order to enable people to live as independently as possible in the community of their choice.

Find out more about these programs and whether you qualify at

Grant programs

The Homelessness, Housing and Support Services Administration manages several grant programs to assure an effective homeless response system for Minnesotans.

Community Living Supports

HHSSA offers several programs that help people achieve housing stability in a community of their choice.

Income assistance

Minnesota has a range of programs that provide income assistance.

Social Security Advocacy

Applying for federal Social Security disability benefits can be a challenge. DHS Social Security advocates are available to help you file an application, appeal a denied application, and make sure that you are applying for all benefits for which you are eligible. 

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