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Merit System job posting checklist

Step 1: 

Submit position description to Merit System for allocation (for new positions or positions with significant changes in the work). Ideally, this should be done one day before posting for "routine" positions; longer if the classification is in question. Exceptions are OK -- please call your representative to discuss.

Step 2:

Contact your county's Merit System representative to determine the posting/exam process. Do this one day before posting.

Step 3:

Determine the open and close dates for the posting. Do this at a time consistent with county policy. MIMS advises NOT To close on a weekend or holiday.

Step 4:

Determine appropriate online exam date. Set test at least three business days after the closing date. Do not set the exam deadline during a weekend or holiday.

Step 5:

Complete the requisition in NeoGov. Attach to the requisition the following as applicable: a) posting template  b) position description with the MMS classification allocation noted; c) county advertisement or job posting; and d) other documents related to the posting process. Do this two business days before the publishing date, if possible.

Step 6:

Provide this link to all communications about Merit System applications:

Merit System information needed to post position

  • Class title/working title
  • Part-time/full-time status
  • Hourly and monthly salary
  • Online exam "must be tested by" date that notifies applicants of the date by which they will need to test in order to be considered.
  • Special requirements by county for applying, i.e. county application, resume or letter of interest in addition to Merit System online application, contact information for questions, etc.

Merit System contacts

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