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Elderly Waiver Spenddown Study

The DHS Aging and Adult Services Division (AASD) planned and conducted the Elderly Waiver Spenddown Study to better understand older Minnesotans’ long term care (LTC) needs, experiences, and decisions leading up to Medical Assistance and Elderly Waiver enrollment. The study focused on whether and how older Minnesotans use their private financial resources to meet their LTC needs prior to enrollment. The study also sought to identify potential policy ideas to extend older Minnesotans’ private resources and incentivize in-home service arrangements as compared to residential service arrangements.

AASD completed this study under contract with the University of Indianapolis Center for Aging and Community (UINDY). The project began in the spring of 2020, and concluded in the fall of 2021. The project was also supported by three subcontractors arranged by UINDY: Indiana University, Knowledge Services, and Sage Squirrel Consulting, LLC. The study was funded by Money Follows the Person Rebalancing funds connected with Minnesota’s Moving Home Minnesota program.

The study resulted in five reports. The final report summarizes key findings from the entire study and presents policy recommendations. The other four reports provide more detailed findings from four research activities conducted through the study.

Questions about this study can be directed to: 

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