Day training and habilitation (DT&H) are licensed supports to help adults:
Develop and maintain life skills
Participate in community life
Engage in proactive and satisfying activities of their own choosing.
DT&H services are available in 81 Minnesota counties and serve more than 12,000 people.
Eligibility is determined through a screening process. To be eligible, a person must meet all of the following conditions:
Be 18 or older and have a diagnosis of developmental disability or a related condition
Receive a screening for home and community-based services or reside in an Intermediate Care Facility for Persons with Developmental Disabilities (ICF/DD)
Have health and safety in the community addressed in their plan of care
Make an informed choice to receive DT&H as part of their Individual Service Plan.
People who get DT&H services under the Developmental Disabilities Waiver must have at least one residential service provided through the waiver.
People who reside in an ICF/DD and those who receive a home and community-based waiver have a choice of day services.
Supervision, training and assistance with self-care, communication, socialization and behavior management
Supported employment and work-related activities
Community integrated activities, including the use of leisure and recreation time
Training in community survival skills, money management and therapeutic activities that increase adaptive living skills
Non-medical transportation to help people travel to and from locations where services are provided.