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Report suspected maltreatment of a vulnerable adult to the Minnesota Adult Abuse Reporting Center (MAARC) at 1-844-880-1574. MAARC is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Reporting information for mandated reporters is located under Web Resources, Partners and Providers.

Questions about completed reports must be referred to the civil lead investigative agency responsible for response. The agency is determined based on the allegation.

  • Allegations involving hospitals, nursing homes, assisted living and home care agencies are referred to the Minnesota Department of Health, Office of Health Facility Complaints at 651-201-4201 or
  • Allegations involving adult foster care, group homes or services licensed by DHS are referred to DHS-Licensing at 651-431-6600 or
  • Allegations of self-neglect by a vulnerable adult, or involving non-licensed facilities or services, are referred to county social services in the county where the vulnerable adult is currently located.

For other questions, please contact the DHS Adult Protection Unit at or 651-431-2609.

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