The Family Child Care Task Force includes the following members:
Samantha Chukuske, Family child care provider appointed by the Speaker of the House, Welcome
Hollee Saville, Family child care provider appointed by the Senate Majority Leader, St. Michael
Mary Jane Albert, Family child care provider appointed by the Speaker of the House, St. Paul
Elizabeth Harris, Family child care provider appointed by the Senate Majority Leader, Cottage Grove
Julie Seydel, Minnesota Association of Child Care Professionals representative
Cyndi Cunningham, Minnesota Child Care Provider Information Network representative
Representative Ami Wazlawik, co-chair
Representative Lisa Demuth
Senator Mary Kiffmeyer, co-chair
Senator Melissa Wiklund
DHS Commissioner or designee
Ariane Bromberg, Family Child Care Inc. representative, Rochester
Kelly Martini, Stearns-Benton Child Care Association representative, Avon
Lanay Miller, Association of Minnesota Family Child Care Licensors, Chisago County
Kim Leipold, Association of Minnesota Family Child Care Licensors, Dakota County
Erin Echternach, Parent representative, Bemidji
Erin Johnson-Balstad, Parent representative, Argyle
JoAnn Smith, Parent representative, International Falls
Marit Woods, Parent representative, St. Paul
Dan Dorman, Greater Minnesota Partnership representative
Lauryn Schothorst, Minnesota Chamber of Commerce representative
Ann McCully, Child Care Aware of Minnesota representative
Scott Marquardt, Southwest Initiative Foundation representative
Stephanie Hogenson, Minnesota Children’s Cabinet representative
Heidi Hagel Braid, First Children’s Finance representative