About us
The Disability Services Division is part of the Minnesota Department of Human Services Continuing Care Administration (CCA). DSD manages publicly funded programs that support people with a variety of disabilities. Disabilities include developmental disabilities, chronic medical conditions, acquired or traumatic brain injuries and physical disabilities.
DSD recognizes the importance of helping people live where they choose, with appropriate services that assure their health and safety. Community-based services promote individual and family self-sufficiency and maintain an individual's or family's optimum level of independence in the community. Services include home care, residential and work-related services.
DSD also includes the HIV/AIDS Unit, which helps Minnesotans living with HIV to access health care through insurance, drug reimbursement, dental, nutrition and case management programs. The HIV/AIDS Unit also consults with other parts of DHS and state government on HIV policy and statewide needs assessment, planning and evaluation.
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