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FAQs: January 2021 DWRS implementation of Waiver Reimagine

Waiver Reimagine is a project that will simplify the disability waiver system and create more options for people and their families. For more information about the project, see DHS – Waiver Reimagine.

This page is a resource for lead agencies and providers about Waiver Reimagine and the Disability Waiver Rate System (DWRS).


The first phase of the Waiver Reimagine project streamlines services across the disability waivers. This rolling implementation begins for services starting in 2021, or upon federal approval. 

For service planning and rate calculations with an effective date of Jan. 1, 2021, or later, lead agencies will begin using the new streamline services and corresponding HCPCs in the MnCHOICES Support Plan (MnSP). 

RMS frameworks


Integrated community supports


Waiver Reimagine and rate exceptions

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