Partners in Policymaking is a classroom style leadership training program designed for adults with disabilities and for parents of young children with developmental disabilities. The program teaches leadership skills, and the process of developing positive partnerships with elected officials and other individuals who make the policy decisions about services that you and your family use.
The Minnesota Governor's Council on Developmental Disabilities sponsors these classes. More information is available on current classes and dates.
The following Partners in Policymaking online courses are available, at no cost, to anyone who would like to increase their knowledge and skills:
- Making Your Case helps people understand the legislative process and the essential elements of good advocacy.
- Partners in Education helps parents of children with developmental disabilities understand and maximize the special education system.
- Partners in Employment helps people with developmental disabilities find meaningful jobs and plan a career.
- Partners in Living helps people with developmental disabilities, their parents, family members and friends, educators and service providers understand the important concepts of self-determination, family support, community living and assistive technology.
- Partners in Time helps people with developmental disabilities, their parents, family members and friends, educators and service providers understand the history of society's treatment of people with disabilities from ancient times through the present.