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Enhanced rates or budgets

Minnesota Department of Human Services offers options that give people more control over the services and supports they receive. These include:

People who use these services and direct the support workers who provide personal support services have new options. These options include higher rates or budgets for eligible support workers:

Enhanced rate or budget

People who receive services may qualify for a higher reimbursement rate or budget for PCA, CDCS and CSG for work that is both:

  • Provided by a worker who has completed qualifying trainings
  • Provided to a person who is eligible for 10 or more hours of state plan PCA per day and/or has the home care rating EN.

PCA Choice agencies and FMS providers must pass on the enhanced rate/budget percentage to the specific worker who completed the trainings in the form of wages and wage-related costs of personal care assistance. Some wage-related costs include employer’s share of FICA taxes, Medicare taxes, state and federal unemployment taxes and workers’ compensation premiums. It does not include mileage reimbursement, health and dental insurance, life insurance, disability insurance, long-term care insurance, uniform allowance, contributions to employee retirement accounts or any other employee benefits. PCA agencies and FMS providers may find instructions for doing so in the PCA Manual on the Provider agency/financial management services provider requirements for PCA, CDCS and CSG enhanced rate or budget page. For information about how to qualify for the enhanced rate, visit the Qualifying for the enhanced rate webpage.

More information

More information about how a worker qualifies for the enhanced rate is available at the following links:

How do workers know they qualify for the enhanced rate?

For the enhanced rate or budget, workers must provide services for a person who is eligible for 10 or more hours of state plan PCA per day and/or has the home care rating EN. Workers should ask their provider agencies or financial management services provider if they qualify.

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