Certified peer specialists are individuals who have a lived experience of mental illness and are trained to be direct service mental health staff. Since 2007, Minnesota has been building capacity for this service.
Agencies interested in employing Certified Peer Specialists under the Medicaid rehabilitation services option must submit a Certified Peer Specialist Agency Request for Technical Assistance.
Medicaid Rehabilitation Services include:
Technical assistance for employers will be provided by DHS Mental Health Division staff. Staff will assist agencies in understanding the requirements to incorporate these services within their existing program. Billing and reporting systems will differ for each service type. For more information, please contact Shelley White at shelley.white@state.mn.us or 651-431-2518.
For detailed information for providers, supervision requirements and administrative requirements pleases refer to Mental Health Provider Manual.
In Minnesota, Northland Counseling Center coordinates the application process, trainings and maintain a web site for individuals who are interested in learning more about peer services.
Peer Specialists must complete and maintain documentation of 30 hours continuing education in areas of mental health recovery, mental health rehabilitative services, and peer support.
Peers are certified for one of two levels:
To be employed as a Certified Peer Specialist Level 1, an individual must:
To be employed as a Certified Peer Specialist Level 2, an individual must meet all of the qualifications of a Certified Peer Specialist Level I and meet one or more of the following: