Illness Management and Recovery (IMR) is an evidence-based psychiatric rehabilitation practice. IMR is a step-by- step approach that assists people to set meaningful goals for themselves, make informed decisions about their treatment, acquire information and skills to develop greater mastery over the symptoms of their psychiatric illness, and make progress toward their own personal recovery.
What services are available?
As an evidence-base practice, IMR is incorporated into the foundation of principles and practices central to a recovery-oriented, person-centered system of community mental health services. These approaches are found Minnesota’s recognized community mental health organizations delivering Rehabilitation Option Services.
Who is eligible for this service?
This approach is at the foundation of Adult Rehabilitative Mental Health Services (ARMHS), Assertive Community Treatment (ACT), and Intensive Residential Treatment Services (IRTS). In Minnesota, community hospitals have engaged in learning and implementing IMR, too.
Current providers
ARMHS, ACT, and IRTS Providers.
There is no reimbursement for IMR as this is an incorporated set of practices associated with ARMHS, ACT, and IRTS.
Reporting requirements
None at this time.
IMR Policy Lead, 651-431-2225
Implementation Resource Kit